U N I T E D    S T A T E S   O F   A M E R I C A



Be it Remembered, that at a term of the District Court holden in and for said county of Iowa on the 16 day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and 78 was present the Honorable John Shane sole presiding Judge and G. W. Kovntz Clerk of said Court, when the following among other proceedings, were had, to wit: John Vitoush a native of Bohemia and at present residing within said State, appeared in Open Court, and makes application to be admitted to become a Citizen of The United States; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that he had declared on oath before said Court in 1875 a Court of Record, having common law jurisdiction, and using a Seal, two years at least before his admission that it was bona fide his intention to become a Citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever his allegiance to any foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignty, whatsoever, and particularly to Emperor of Austria of whom he is a subject.

The Court being satisfied by the testimony of Fred Chansky that said applicant has resided with the United States for a term of five years next preceding his admission, without being at any time during the said five years out of the Territory of the United States and within this State one year at least, and it further appearing to the satisfaction of this Court that during this time he has behaved as a man of good moral character; attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States; and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same.

Thereupon the Court admitted the said applicant to become a Citizen of the United States, and ordered all the proceedings aforesaid to be entered of Record; which was accordingly done by the Clerk of the Court.

Original located in : Naturalization Record 2, 1860-84 in Johnson County Courthouse, Iowa City, IA

Reproduced from photo by Maurice L. Vitosh, December 14, 1999.

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