Journal Report
Descendants of Jan Vitouš born about 1650
All birth and marriage dates have been suppressed for living descendants.
Living descendants have an asterisk (*) behind their name.
German names found in old church records have been tranlated to Czech.
Generation One
1. Jan1 (Wittaus) Vitouš1 was born circa 1650 in Stupno, Bohemia.2 He married Katerina Vavrinková, daughter of Jan Vavrinek, on 17 November 1671 in Stupno, Bohemia.3
Children of Jan1 Vitouš and Katerina Vavrinková were as follows:
2 i. Anna2 Vitoušová1 was born on 10 August 1672 in Brežany, Bohemia.4
3 ii. Jiri Vitouš1 was born on 7 April 1675 in Stupno, Bohemia.5
4 iii. Marena Marie Vitoušová6 was christened on 22 August 1677 in Radnice, Bohemia.6
5 iv. Václav Vitouš1 was christened on 13 September 1682 in Radnice, Bohemia.7
+ 6 v. Jakub Vitouš was born on 29 April 1685 in Stupno, Bohemia.
7 vi. Lidmilla Vitoušová8 was christened on 29 September 1687 in Radnice, Bohemia.9,1
+ 8 vii. Václav Vitouš was born on 25 September 1689 in Stupno, Bohemia. He married Katerina Nizková before 1713 in Bohemia. He married Anna Kasparová on 27 May 1732 in Radnice, Bohemia. He died before November 1740.
9 viii. Markéta Vitoušová10 was christened on 25 June 1690 in Radnice, Bohemia.11,1
10 ix. Kašpar Melchior Vitouš1 was christened on 6 January 1694 in Radnice, Bohemia.12
Generation Two
6. Jakub2 Vitouš (Jan1)1 was born on 29 April 1685 in Stupno, Bohemia.13
Children of Jakub2 Vitouš all born Prívètice, Bohemia include:
+ 11 i. Katerina3 Vitoušová married Martin Autersky on 27 October 1737.
+ 12 ii. Jan Vitouš married Eva Fronéková on 6 October 1748 in Radnice, Bohemia. He died in May 1777.
+ 13 iii. Dorota Vitoušová married Matej Belka on 1 November 1733 in Radnice, Bohemia.
14 iv. Veronika Vitoušová1 married Kaspar Toma on 21 May 1743.14
15 v. Matej Vitouš15 married Lidmila Mulacová on 25 November 1744.15
8. Václav2 Vitouš (Jan1)1 was born on 25 September 1689 in Stupno, Bohemia.16 He married Katerina Nizková before 1713 in Bohemia.17 He married Anna Kasparová on 27 May 1732 in Radnice, Bohemia.18 He died before November 1740.15
Children of Václav2 Vitouš and Katerina Nizková all born in Stupno, Bohemia, were as follows:
16 i. Anna3 Vitoušová19 was born circa 1713.15 She died on 26 August 1775 in 12, Skomelno, Bohemia.19
+ 17 ii. Jakub Vitouš was born circa 1715. He married Katerina Špicková on 16 October 1735 in Radnice, Bohemia. He died on 10 February 1760.
+ 18 iii. Jan Vitouš was born in 1720. He married Barbora Procházková on 26 September 1741 in Radnice, Bohemia.
There were no children of Václav2 Vitouš and Anna Kasparová.
Generation Three
11. Katerina3 Vitoušová (Jakub2 Vitouš, Jan1)1 was born in Prívètice, Bohemia.15 She married Martin Autersky on 27 October 1737.20
Children of Katerina3 Vitoušová and Martin Autersky were as follows:
19 i. Dorota4 Auterská1 was christened on 6 June 1738 in Radnice, Bohemia.21 She married Václav Hanzlik on 11 January 1756 in Radnice, Bohemia.22
20 ii. Katerina Auterská1 was christened on 25 November 1739 in Radnice, Bohemia.23 She married Martin Bleha on 11 November 1760 in Radnice, Bohemia.24
21 iii. Anna Auterská25 was born on 1 May 1742 in Kriše, Bohemia.25
12. Jan3 Vitouš (Jakub2, Jan1)15 was born in Prívètice, Bohemia.15 He married Eva Fronéková on 6 October 1748 in Radnice, Bohemia.26 He died in May 1777.15
Children of Jan3 Vitouš and Eva Fronéková were as follows:
+ 22 i. Katerina4 Vitoušova married Vavrinec Cerný on 19 May 1777 in Radnice, Bohemia.
23 ii. Anna Vitoušová15 was born circa 1760 in Prívètice, Bohemia.15 She married Karel Kroc on 26 June 1782 in Chomle, Bohemia.27 She died on 12 February 1783 in 38, Skomelno, Bohemia.28
13. Dorota3 Vitoušová (Jakub2 Vitouš, Jan1)1 was born in Prívètice, Bohemia.15 She married Matej Belka on 1 November 1733 in Radnice, Bohemia.29
Children of Dorota3 Vitoušová and Matej Belka were as follows:
24 i. Terezie4 Belková30 was born on 5 June 1736 in Vranovice, Bohemia.30
25 ii. Václav Belka31 was born on 20 October 1739 in Vranovice, Bohemia.31
26 iii. Katerina Belková32 was born on 14 November 1740 in Vranovice, Bohemia.32 She married Antonin Nový on 27 October 1765 in Radnice, Bohemia.33
27 iv. Matej Belka34 was born on 20 September 1742 in Vranovice, Bohemia.34
28 v. Dorota Belkaová35 was born on 20 October 1744 in Vranovice, Bohemia.35
17. Jakub3 Vitouš (Václav2, Jan1)15 was born circa 1715 in Stupno, Bohemia.36,37,15 He married Katerina Špicková on 16 October 1735 in Radnice, Bohemia.38 He died on 10 February 1760 in Stupno, Bohemia.39
Children of Jakub3 Vitouš and Katerina Špicková were as follows:
29 i. Markéta4 Vitoušová40,41 was born on 8 July 1736 in Stupno, Bohemia.42 She married Simon Klauber on 11 November 1755.43
+ 30 ii. Dorota Vitoušová was born on 5 May 1738 in Stupno, Bohemia. She married Jiri Daubek on 31 May 1761 in Radnice, Bohemia.
31 iii. František Vitouš40 was born on 24 May 1740 in Stupno, Bohemia.44,45
32 iv. Vavrinec Vitouš46 was born on 9 December 1742 in Stupno, Bohemia.47 He died on 24 January 1745 in Stupno, Bohemia, at age 2.48 He was buried on 25 January 1745 in St Václav Church Cemetery, Radnice, Bohemia.
33 v. Katerina Vitoušová40 was born on 1 February 1745 in Bohemia.49
34 vi. Anna Vitoušová40 was born on 26 May 1747 in Bohemia.50
+ 35 vii. Václav Vitouš was born on 6 April 1750 in Stupno, Bohemia. He married Katerina Koželuhová on 21 October 1775 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia. He died on 24 December 1835 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia, at age 85.
36 viii. Katerina Vitoušová46 was born on 28 August 1752 in Bohemia.51
+ 37 ix. Josef Vitouš was born on 13 May 1756 in Stupno, Bohemia. He married Katerina Maškova on 11 October 1778 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.
18. Jan3 Vitouš (Václav2, Jan1)52,1 was born in 1720 in Stupno, Bohemia.52 He married Barbora Procházková on 26 September 1741 in Radnice, Bohemia.52,53
Children of Jan3 Vitouš and Barbora Procházková were as follows:
+ 38 i. Andreas4 Vitouš was born on 13 October 1741 in Kriše, Bohemia. He married Magdaléna Havlova, daughter of Martin Havel and Anna Novy, on 6 November 1768 in Stupno, Bohemia.
39 ii. Katerina Vitoušová52 was born on 2 November 1743 in Stupno, Bohemia.52,54
40 iii. Barbora Vitoušová52 was born on 21 June 1745 in Kriše, Bohemia.52
41 iv. Simon Vitouš52 was born on 29 July 1747 in Skomelno, Bohemia.52
42 v. Vitus Vitouš52 was born on 24 January 1750 in Stupno, Bohemia.52
43 vi. Romanus Vitouš55 was born on 15 July 1752 in Stupno, Bohemia.52
44 vii. Jan Vitouš52 was born on 13 January 1755 in Stupno, Bohemia.52
45 viii. Josephus Vitouš52 was born on 25 January 1758 in Stupno, Bohemia.52
46 ix. Martin Vitouš52 was born on 29 May 1761 in Stupno, Bohemia.52
Generation Four
22. Katerina4 Vitoušova (Jan3 Vitouš, Jakub2, Jan1)1 married Vavrinec Cerný on 19 May 1777 in Radnice, Bohemia.56
Children of Katerina4 Vitoušova and Vavrinec Cerný were as follows:
+ 47 i. Katerina5 Cerná was christened on 13 February 1778 in Radnice, Bohemia. She married Václav Vejvoda on 1 May 1800 in Radnice, Bohemia.
48 ii. Jan Cerný57 was born on 18 June 1779 in Prívétice, Bohemia.57
+ 49 iii. Anna Cerná was born on 19 January 1781 in 1, Prívètice, Bohemia. She married Jakub Kališ on 1 November 1808 in Radnice, Bohemia.
+ 50 iv. Marena Cerná was christened on 5 October 1783. She married Václav Košor on 1 November 1801 in Radnice, Bohemia.
51 v. Dorota Cerná58 was born on 17 August 1785 in 1, Prívètice, Bohemia.58
52 vi. Matej Cerný59 was born on 16 April 1787 in 1, Prívètice, Bohemia.59
+ 53 vii. Josef Cerný was christened on 15 March 1789 in Radnice, Bohemia. He married Marie Marena Hoškova on 13 February 1816 in 5, Lhota pod Radcem, Bohemia. He died on 13 August 1842 in Bohemia at age 53.
54 viii. Dorota Cerný60 was born on 10 June 1791 in 1, Prívètice, Bohemia.60 She married Vojtèch Mùlac on 2 October 1820 in Radnice, Bohemia.61
55 ix. Vojtèch Cerný15 was born on 23 June 1794 in 1, Prívètice, Bohemia.15 He died on 12 May 1795 in 1, Prívètice, Bohemia.62 He was buried on 12 May 1795 in Radnice, Bohemia.62
30. Dorota4 Vitoušová (Jakub3 Vitouš, Václav2, Jan1)40 was born on 5 May 1738 in Stupno, Bohemia.63 She married Jiri Daubek on 31 May 1761 in Radnice, Bohemia.24
Children of Dorota4 Vitoušová and Jiri Daubek were:
+ 56 i. Marena5 Daubek was born in 10, Stupno, Bohemia. She married Jan Klauber.
Wenceslaus married Katerina Kozeluhova in Stupno 24.
35. Václav4 Vitouš (Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)64,65 was born on 6 April 1750 in Stupno, Bohemia.66 He married Katerina Koželuhová on 21 October 1775 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.67 He died on 24 December 1835 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia, at age 85.68
Children of Václav4 Vitouš and Katerina Koželuhová were as follows:
+ 57 i. Jan5 Vitouš was born on 26 October 1775 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia. He married Marie. He married Benigna Nová on 14 April 1799 in Radnice, Bohemia.
58 ii. Magdaléna Vitoušová69 was born on 12 January 1778 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia.69
59 iii. Anna Vitoušová69 was born on 28 January 1782 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia.69
60 iv. Matej Vitouš69 was born on 3 October 1784 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia.69
61 v. Katerina Vitoušová69 was born on 24 February 1787 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia.69
62 vi. Veronika Vitoušová69 was born on 4 May 1790 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia.69
63 vii. Josef Vitouš69 was born on 26 January 1793 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia.69
+ 64 viii. František Vitouš was born on 26 September 1795 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia. He married Anna Auterská, daughter of František Autersky and Barbora Nausová, on 27 February 1824 in 24, Kriše, Bohemia. He died between 1854 and 1858.
65 ix. Barbora Vitoušová69 was born on 10 April 1800 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia.69
37. Josef4 Vitouš (Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)70 was born on 13 May 1756 in Stupno, Bohemia.71 He married Katerina Maškova on 11 October 1778 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.36
Children of Josef4 Vitouš and Katerina Maškova all born in 24, Stupno, Bohemia, were as follows:
+ 66 i. František5 Vitouš was born on 27 July 1779. He married Barbora Cechlová on 27 January 1801 in Bohemia.
67 ii. Benigna Vitoušová36 was born on 25 October 1781.36
68 iii. Martin Vitouš36 was born on 30 June 1783.36
69 iv. Katerina Vitoušová36 was born on 23 November 1784.36
70 v. Anna Katerina Vitoušová36 was born on 28 August 1787.36
71 vi. Barbora Vitoušová36 was born on 15 August 1790.36
72 vii. Magdaléna Vitoušová36 was born on 26 December 1791.36
73 viii. Barbora Vitoušová36 was born on 26 December 1791.36
74 ix. Martin Vitouš36 was born on 3 July 1795.36
75 x. Josef Vitouš36 was born on 17 November 1797.36
38. Andreas4 Vitouš (Jan3, Václav2, Jan1)52 was born on 13 October 1741 in Kriše, Bohemia.52,72 He married Magdaléna Havlova, daughter of Martin Havel and Anna Novy, on 6 November 1768 in Stupno, Bohemia.52,73
Children of Andreas4 Vitouš and Magdaléna Havlova were as follows:
+ 76 i. Anna5 Vitoušová was born in December 1769 in Stupno, Bohemia. She married Matej Schusteriz on 28 November 1798 in Stupno, Bohemia.
77 ii. Katerina Vitoušová was born on 6 May 1771 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
78 iii. Josef Vitouš1 was born on 31 July 1774 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
+ 79 iv. Martin Vitouš was born on 9 November 1779 in 14, Pod Stupno, Bohemia. He married Zuzanna Tomec on 21 October 1806 in Bohemia.
80 v. Jakub Vitouš1 was born on 19 February 1782 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
81 vi. Barbora Vitoušová1 was born on 18 September 1784 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
82 vii. Marena Vitoušova1 was born on 11 February 1787 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
Generation Five
47. Katerina5 Cerná (Katerina4 Vitoušova, Jan3 Vitouš, Jakub2, Jan1)1 was christened on 13 February 1778 in Radnice, Bohemia.57 She married Václav Vejvoda on 1 May 1800 in Radnice, Bohemia.56
Children of Katerina5 Cerná and Václav Vejvoda were as follows:
83 i. Václav6 Vejvoda74 was born on 21 March 1801 in 40, Prívètice, Bohemia.74
84 ii. Jan Vejvoda75 was born on 24 October 1804 in Prívètice, Bohemia.75 He married Marie Tenková on 6 February 1837 in Drahonuv Ujezd, Bohemia.76
85 iii. Barbora Vejvodá77 was born on 27 June 1809 in 34, Prívètice, Bohemia.77 She died on 17 June 1810 in 34, Prívètice, Bohemia.78
86 iv. Dorota Vejvodá79 was born on 2 January 1814 in 34, Prívètice, Bohemia.79
49. Anna5 Cerná (Katerina4 Vitoušova, Jan3 Vitouš, Jakub2, Jan1)1 was born on 19 January 1781 in 1, Prívètice, Bohemia.80 She married Jakub Kališ on 1 November 1808 in Radnice, Bohemia.81
Children of Anna5 Cerná and Jakub Kališ were:
+ 87 i. Eleonora6 Kališová was born on 20 February 1815 in 46, Velký Bor, Bohemia. She married Jan Raška on 26 July 1836 in Velký Bor, Bohemia. She married František Škeril on 1 May 1849 in 42, Placek, Bohemia.
50. Marena5 Cerná (Katerina4 Vitoušova, Jan3 Vitouš, Jakub2, Jan1)1 was christened on 5 October 1783.58 She married Václav Košor on 1 November 1801 in Radnice, Bohemia.82
Children of Marena5 Cerná and Václav Košor were as follows:
88 i. Václav6 Košor75 was born on 13 November 1803 in Prívètice, Bohemia.75
89 ii. Katerina Košarová83 was born on 16 May 1806 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia.84 She died on 1 June 1810 in Prívètice, Bohemia, at age 4.85 She was buried on 1 June 1810 in Radnice, Bohemia.85
90 iii. Anna Košarová77 was born on 13 April 1809 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia.77 She died on 14 November 1809 in 17, Prívètice, Bohemia.85 She was buried on 14 November 1809 in Radnice, Bohemia.85
91 iv. Dorota Košarová86 was born on 18 June 1811 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia.86 She died on 9 July 1812 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia, at age 1.87 She was buried on 9 July 1812 in Radnice, Bohemia.87
92 v. Matej Košor79 was born on 20 October 1813 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia.79 He died on 31 December 1813 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia.88 He was buried on 31 December 1813 in Radnice, Bohemia.88
93 vi. Jan Nepomuk Košor89 was born on 9 May 1815 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia.89
94 vii. Josef Košor90 was born on 8 January 1818 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia.90
95 viii. Barbora Košarová91 was born on 17 March 1821 in 16, Prívètice, Bohemia.91
53. Josef5 Cerný (Katerina4 Vitoušova, Jan3 Vitouš, Jakub2, Jan1)92 was christened on 15 March 1789 in Radnice, Bohemia.92 He married Marie Marena Hoškova on 13 February 1816 in 5, Lhota pod Radcem, Bohemia.93 He died on 13 August 1842 in Bohemia at age 53.92
Children of Josef5 Cerný and Marie Marena Hoškova were as follows:
96 i. Matej6 Cerný94 was born on 12 August 1817 in 1, Prívètice, Bohemia.94 He died on 27 February 1819 in 8, Prívètice, Bohemia, at age 1.95 He was buried on 27 February 1819 in Radnice, Bohemia.95
97 ii. Katerina Cerná96 was born on 20 January 1820 in 51, Prívètice, Bohemia.96
56. Marena5 Daubek (Dorota4 Vitoušová, Jakub3 Vitouš, Václav2, Jan1)1 was born in 10, Stupno, Bohemia.1 She married Jan Klauber.97
Children of Marena5 Daubek and Jan Klauber were as follows:
98 i. Josef6 Klauber98 was born on 19 August 1807 in 6, Skomelno, Bohemia.98 He died on 28 October 1807 in Chomle, Bohemia.99
99 ii. Anna Klauberová100 was born on 24 January 1809 in 6, Skomelno, Bohemia.100
100 iii. Martin Klauber101 was born on 11 November 1810 in 6, Skomelno, Bohemia.101 He died on 13 November 1810 in 6, Skomelno, Bohemia.102 He was buried on 13 November 1810 in Chomle, Bohemia.102
101 iv. Josef Klauber103 was born on 30 April 1812 in 6, Skomelno, Bohemia.104 He died on 26 May 1812 in 6, Skomelno, Bohemia.103 He was buried on 26 May 1812 in Chomle, Bohemia.103
102 v. Barbara Klauberová105 was born on 1 April 1813 in 6, Skomelno, Bohemia.105
103 vi. Jan Nepomuk Klauber106 was born on 23 April 1817 in 42, Skomelno, Bohemia.106
104 vii. Terezie Klauberová107 was born on 21 January 1820 in 41, Skomelno, Bohemia.107
57. Jan5 Vitouš (Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)69 was born on 26 October 1775 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.69,108 He married Marie.109 He married Benigna Nová on 14 April 1799 in Radnice, Bohemia.110
There were no children of Jan5 Vitouš and Marie.
Children of Jan5 Vitouš and Benigna Nová all born in 17, Chomle, Bohemia, were as follows:
105 i. Katerina6 Vitoušová111 was born on 8 May 1800.111 She died on 2 February 1801 in 17, Chomle, Bohemia.112 She was buried on 2 February 1801 in Chomle, Bohemia.112
106 ii. Anna Vitoušová113 was born on 10 December 1801.113
107 iii. Václav Vitouš114 was born on 26 April 1808.114
108 iv. Jan Nepomuk Vitouš115 was born on 18 May 1812.115
109 v. Stefan Vitouš116 was born on 15 December 1815.116 He died on 19 December 1815 in 17, Chomle, Bohemia.117 He was buried on 19 December 1815 in Chomle, Bohemia.117
Stupno # 7 birth home of Frantisek Witauss
64. František5 Vitouš (Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)118 was born on 26 September 1795 in 7, Stupno, Bohemia.119 He married Anna Auterská, daughter of František Autersky and Barbora Nausová, on 27 February 1824 in 24, Kriše, Bohemia.120,121 He died between 1854 and 1858.122
Children of František5 Vitouš and Anna Auterská were as follows:
110 i. Marie6 Vitoušová123 was born on 23 August 1828 in Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia.123
111 ii. Josef Vitouš124 was born on 28 February 1831 in Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia.124,125
+ 112 iii. Jan Krtitel Vitouš was born on 16 June 1832 in 13, Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia. He married Anna Blechová, daughter of Vojtech Blecha and Anna Razímová, on 19 June 1854 in 18, Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia.
He died on 2 January 1912 in 826 Fairchild St., Iowa City, IA, USA, at
age 79. He was buried circa 4 January 1912 in St Joseph Cemetery Marker
FH, Lot 8, Block 1, Iowa City, IA, USA.
+ 113 iv. Josefa Vitoušová was born on 27 December 1834 in 13, Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia. She married Josef Zeithammel in 16, Kriše, Bohemia.
114 v. Matej Vitouš126 was born on 2 June 1837 in Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia.126
115 vi. Josef Vitouš127 was born on 23 June 1840 in Kriše, Bohemia.128,129
116 vii. Katernia Vitoušová130 was born on 16 May 1844 in Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia.130
66. František5 Vitouš (Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)40 was born on 27 July 1779 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.36 He married Barbora Cechlová on 27 January 1801 in Bohemia.36
Children of František5 Vitouš and Barbora Cechlová all born in 24, Stupno, Bohemia, were as follows:
+ 117 i. Václav6 Vitouš was born on 12 January 1802. He married Anna Pribylová on 3 June 1823 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.
+ 118 ii. Josef Tobias Vitouš was born on 4 April 1804. He married Marie Nemcová on 26 June 1835 in 5, Zichlice, Bohemia.
119 iii. Matej Vitouš36 was born on 1 September 1806.36 He married Alžbeta on 18 November 1834 in Hlohovice, Bohemia.131
120 iv. Barbora Salomena Vitoušová36 was born on 30 July 1809.36
76. Anna5 Vitoušová (Andreas4 Vitouš, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1)52 was born in December 1769 in Stupno, Bohemia.52 She married Matej Schusteriz on 28 November 1798 in Stupno, Bohemia.52
Children of Anna5 Vitoušová and Matej Schusteriz were as follows:
121 i. Matej6 Schusteriz was born on 17 April 1798 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
122 ii. Josef Schusteriz1 was born on 2 August 1799 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
123 iii. Václav Schusteriz1 was born on 17 April 1801 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
124 iv. Václav Schusteriz1 was born on 18 January 1803 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
+ 125 v. Katerina Schusteriz was born on 21 October 1804 in Stupno, Bohemia. She married Simon Slama.
126 vi. František Schusteriz1 was born on 13 December 1805 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
127 vii. Jan Schusteriz1 was born on 29 July 1808 in Stupno, Bohemia.1
128 viii. Matej Schusteriz1 was born on 12 July 1811 in Bohemia.1
79. Martin5 Vitouš (Andreas4, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1)36 was born on 9 November 1779 in 14, Pod Stupno, Bohemia.36 He married Zuzanna Tomec on 21 October 1806 in Bohemia.36
Children of Martin5 Vitouš and Zuzanna Tomec were:
+ 129 i. Josef6 Vitouš was born on 8 January 1811 in 27, Ober Stupno, Bohemia. He married Margaretha Wondrazkova on 27 October 1835 in Bohemia.
Generation Six
87. Eleonora6 Kališová (Anna5 Cerná, Katerina4 Vitoušova, Jan3 Vitouš, Jakub2, Jan1)132 was born on 20 February 1815 in 46, Velký Bor, Bohemia.133 She married Jan Raška on 26 July 1836 in Velký Bor, Bohemia.134 She married František Škeril on 1 May 1849 in 42, Placek, Bohemia.135
There were no children of Eleonora6 Kališová and Jan Raška.
Children of Eleonora6 Kališová and František Škeril were as follows:
130 i. Marie7 Škerilová was born on 27 November 1850 in Velky Bor, Bohemia.136 She died on 3 February 1855 in Velky Bor, Bohemia, at age 4.136
+ 131 ii. Barbora Škerilová was born on 19 October 1853 in Velky Bor, Bohemia. She married Josef Paletár on 17 November 1874 in Horni Vltavice, Bohemia.
132 iii. Anna Škerilová136 was born on 9 May 1857 in Velky Bor, Bohemia.136
+ 133 iv. Marie Škerilová was born on 12 November 1859 in 32, Holkovice, Bohemia. She married Jan Houška, son of Vojtèch Houška and Magdalena Heisl, on 3 October 1882 in 32, Holkovice, Bohemia.
John and Anna Blecha Vitosh
112. Jan Krtitel6 Vitouš (František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)137 was born on 16 June 1832 in 13, Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia.138,139,140,141,142 He married Anna Blechová, daughter of Vojtech Blecha and Anna Razímová, on 19 June 1854 in 18, Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia.143 He died on 2 January 1912 in 826 Fairchild St., Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 79.144,145 He was buried circa 4 January 1912 in St Joseph Cemetery Marker FH, Lot 8, Block 1, Iowa City, IA, USA.
Children of Jan Krtitel6 Vitouš and Anna Blechová were as follows:
+ 134 i. Kate (Katernia)7 Vitosh was born on 10 November 1854 in Bohemia. She married Frank Bezdek on 18 April 1887 in Courthouse, Beatrice, NE, USA. She died on 17 September 1930 in Ravenna, NE, USA, at age 75.
+ 135 ii. James (Vaclav) Vitosh was born on 7 March 1857 in Bohemia. He married Helen Nosek, daughter of Michael Nosek and Josephn Kriel. He died on 27 December 1925 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 68.
+ 136 iii. Michael (Matej) Vitosh was born on 25 January 1859 in Bohemia. He married Mary Zeman, daughter of Kasper Zeman, in 1882 in St Mary's Catholic Church, Iowa City, IA, USA. He died on 22 October 1927 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 68.
137 iv. Albert (Vojtech) Vitosh146,147 was born on 7 May 1861 in Kriše, Bohemia.147 He died on 18 June 1882 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 21.146
+ 138 v. Mary (Marie) Vitosh was born on 21 July 1863 in Kriše, Bohemia. She married James Prybil. She died on 15 January 1944 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 80.
+ 139 vi. Joseph (Josef) Vitosh was born on 8 March 1866 in 16, Kriše, Bohemia. He married Annie Kostal, daughter of Albert Vojtech Kostal and Josephine Shebek, on 29 February 1892. He died on 20 December 1940 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 74.
140 vii. Anna Vitosh146 was born on 16 August 1869 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She died on 1 February 1946 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 76.146
141 viii. Frances (Fannie) Vitosh146 was born on 14 December 1870 in IA, USA.146 She married Albert Prybil on 2 February 1897 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She died on 12 January 1909 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 38.146
+ 142 ix. Frank Vitosh was born on 1 December 1872 in IA, USA. He married Matilda Zabokrtsky, daughter of George Zabokrtsky and Anna Rencin, on 13 January 1896 in Odell Catholic Church, Odell, NE, USA. He died on 16 May 1935 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 62.
143 x. Wilem Vitosh146 was born on 15 December 1880 in IA, USA.146 He died on 10 March 1883 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 2.146
113. Josefa6 Vitoušová (František5 Vitouš, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)148 was born on 27 December 1834 in 13, Ujezd u Svateho Kríže, Bohemia.149 She married Josef Zeithammel in 16, Kriše, Bohemia.150
Children of Josefa6 Vitoušová and Josef Zeithammel were:
+ 144 i. Václav7 Zeithammel was born in Bohemia. He married Josefa Simicova, daughter of Antonin Simicce and Katerina Vyskova, in Czechoslovakia.
117. Václav6 Vitouš (František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)36 was born on 12 January 1802 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.36 He married Anna Pribylová on 3 June 1823 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.36
Children of Václav6 Vitouš and Anna Pribylová all born in 24, Stupno, Bohemia, were as follows:
145 i. Václav7 Vitouš36 was born on 28 July 1824.36
146 ii. Anna Vitoušová36 was born on 28 April 1827.36
+ 147 iii. Josef Vitouš was born on 15 February 1831. He married Josefa SSassek on 18 November 1851 in 25, Bezdekow, Bohemia. He died on 26 January 1893 at age 61.
148 iv. Katerina Vitoušová36 was born on 30 April 1833.36
149 v. František Vitouš36 was born on 31 December 1835.36
150 vi. Marie Vitoušová36 was born on 30 December 1840.36
118. Josef Tobias6 Vitouš (František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)36 was born on 4 April 1804 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.36 He married Marie Nemcová on 26 June 1835 in 5, Zichlice, Bohemia.151
Children of Josef Tobias6 Vitouš and Marie Nemcová were:
+ 151 i. Josef7 Vitouš was born on 29 October 1839 in 34, Zichlice, Bohemia. He married Marie Bolounova on 16 September 1862 in 34, Zichlice, Bohemia. He died in 1895 in Bohemia.
125. Katerina6 Schusteriz (Anna5 Vitoušová, Andreas4 Vitouš, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 21 October 1804 in Stupno, Bohemia. She married Simon Slama.
Children of Katerina6 Schusteriz and Simon Slama were:
+ 152 i. Anna7 Slama was born on 1 August 1832 in Stupno, Bohemia. She married František Soustek.
129. Josef6 Vitouš (Martin5, Andreas4, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1)36 was born on 8 January 1811 in 27, Ober Stupno, Bohemia.36 He married Margaretha Wondrazkova on 27 October 1835 in Bohemia.36
Children of Josef6 Vitouš and Margaretha Wondrazkova were:
+ 153 i. Josef7 Vitouš was born on 1 April 1848 in Bohemia. He married Pavlina Bauerova in Bohemia.
Generation Seven
131. Barbora7 Škerilová (Eleonora6 Kališová, Anna5 Cerná, Katerina4 Vitoušova, Jan3 Vitouš, Jakub2, Jan1)152 was born on 19 October 1853 in Velky Bor, Bohemia.136 She married Josef Paletár on 17 November 1874 in Horni Vltavice, Bohemia.136
Children of Barbora7 Škerilová include:
154 i. Josef8 Škeril136 was born in August 1874 in Bohemia.136 He died on 27 April 1875 in Horni Vltavice, Bohemia.136
Children of Barbora7 Škerilová and Josef Paletár were as follows:
155 i. Franz8 Paletár136 was born on 17 October 1875 in 7, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 He married Albina Paulik on 18 January 1904 in Vimperk, Bohemia.136
156 ii. Maria Paletár136 was born on 14 December 1877 in 7, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 She married Karl Stogbauer on 20 May 1901 in Horni, Bohemia.136
157 iii. Josef Paletár136 was born on 9 December 1879 in 7, Mitterberg.136 He married Barbara Schneider.136
158 iv. Maria Magdalena Paletár136 was born on 30 June 1882 in 7, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 She married Kral Kraml on 4 February 1907.136
159 v. Johann Paletár136 was born on 29 July 1884 in 10, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 He died on 29 July 1884 in 10, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 He was buried on 31 July 1884 in Horni Vltavice, Bohemia.136
160 vi. Anna Paletár136 was born on 22 August 1885 in 10, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 She married Alfred Strohl on 29 June 1926 in Vienna, Austria.136
161 vii. Ernest Paletár136 was born on 11 December 1887 in 10, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 He died on 17 December 1887 in 10, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 He was buried on 19 December 1887 in Horni Vltavice, Bohemia.136
162 viii. Stillborn Paletár.136
163 ix. Johann Paletár136 was born on 15 January 1891 in 10, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136
164 x. Ernest Paletár136 was born on 31 March 1893 in 7, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136
165 xi. Theresia Paletár136 was born on 17 February 1896 in 6, Mitterberg, Bohemia.136 She married Wenzl Ratschmann, son of Franz Ratschmann and Maria Robl, on 30 May 1927.136
133. Marie7 Škerilová (Eleonora6 Kališová, Anna5 Cerná, Katerina4 Vitoušova, Jan3 Vitouš, Jakub2, Jan1)136 was born on 12 November 1859 in 32, Holkovice, Bohemia.136 She married Jan Houška, son of Vojtèch Houška and Magdalena Heisl, on 3 October 1882 in 32, Holkovice, Bohemia.136
Children of Marie7 Škerilová and Jan Houška were as follows:
166 i. Karolina8 Houška152 was born on 3 July 1884 in 48, Jetenovice, Bohemia.136 She married Jan Stupka, son of Vaclav Jan Stupka and Marie Jilkova, on 24 September 1905 in St Procopius Church, Chicago, IL, USA.136 She died on 20 July 1966 in Chicago, IL, USA, at age 82.136 She was buried on 23 July 1966 in Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Il, USA.136
167 ii. Marie Houškaová136 was born on 14 August 1886 in 46, Jetenovice, Bohemia.136 She married Charles Redina.136 She died in June 1982 in Chicago, IL, USA, at age 95.136
168 iii. Karel Houška136 was born on 20 July 1893 in Strelohosties, Bohemia.136
169 iv. Jan "John G." Houška136 was born on 15 March 1896 in Lahota, Bohemia.136 He married Blanche Dolansky, daughter of Josef Dolansky and Josefa Schlechta.136 He died on 25 September 1955 in Cicero, Il, USA, at age 59.136 He was buried on 28 May 1955 in Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, IL, USA.136
Frank and Kate Vitosh Bezdek and family
134. Kate (Katernia)7 Vitosh (Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 10 November 1854 in Bohemia.153 She married Frank Bezdek on 18 April 1887 in Courthouse, Beatrice, NE, USA.146,154 She died on 17 September 1930 in Ravenna, NE, USA, at age 75.146
Children of Kate (Katernia)7 Vitosh and Frank Bezdek were:
+ 170 i. Albert8 Bezdek was born on 23 March 1888 in Odell, NE, USA. He married Rose Kostecky on 12 July 1913. He died on 26 January 1966 in Ravenna, NE, USA, at age 77.
James and Helen Nosek Vitosh and their two grandchildren
135. James (Vaclav)7 Vitosh (Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,155 was born on 7 March 1857 in Bohemia.155,146 He married Helen Nosek, daughter of Michael Nosek and Josephn Kriel.146 He died on 27 December 1925 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 68.146
Children of James (Vaclav)7 Vitosh and Helen Nosek were as follows:
+ 171 i. Joseph8 Vitosh was born on 25 November 1883 in Iowa City, IA, USA. He married Emma Schwinn, daughter of Charles Schwinn and Catherine Meintzer, on 21 February 1906. He married Gertrude Duffy on 30 September 1931. He died on 21 April 1941 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 57.
+ 172 ii. William Vitosh was born on 30 May 1888 in Iowa City, IA, USA. He married Frances Koza on 21 February 1911. He died on 25 March 1966 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 77.
136. Michael (Matej)7 Vitosh (Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,156 was born on 25 January 1859 in Bohemia.156,146 He married Mary Zeman, daughter of Kasper Zeman, in 1882 in St Mary's Catholic Church, Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He died on 22 October 1927 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 68.146
Children of Michael (Matej)7 Vitosh and Mary Zeman all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
+ 173 i. Mayme A. (Mary)8 Vitosh was born on 27 May 1884. She married Linus I. Schnoebelen, son of Joseph N. Schnoebelen and Lavinia Knebl, on 26 April 1911. She died on 16 May 1974 at age 89.
+ 174 ii. Emma Vitosh was born on 11 December 1887. She married Jacob Lackender, son of Abraham Lackender and Barbara Durst. She died on 21 October 1946 at age 58.
+ 175 iii. James R. Vitosh was born on 24 September 1889. He married Clara M. Klema, daughter of Martin Klema and Anna, on 1 September 1914. He died on 8 July 1968 at age 78.
+ 176 iv. John Michael Vitosh was born on 6 September 1892. He married Loretta E. Neuzil, daughter of Joseph Neuzil and Catherine Hebl, on 4 February 1920 in Iowa City, IA, USA. He died on 30 January 1951 at age 58.
138. Mary (Marie)7 Vitosh (Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,157 was born on 21 July 1863 in Kriše, Bohemia.157,146 She married James Prybil. She died on 15 January 1944 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 80.146
Children of Mary (Marie)7 Vitosh and James Prybil all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
+ 177 i. William W.8 Prybil was born on 31 May 1884. He married Ella M. Slezak, daughter of Joseph Slezak and Anna Teal, on 18 January 1910. He died on 23 June 1949 at age 65.
+ 178 ii. Frank Prybil was born on 2 April 1885. He married Emma Bulechek, daughter of John Bulechek, on 5 February 1907. He died in 1942.
+ 179 iii. George V. Prybil was born on 20 May 1887. He married Frances E. Reha on 5 May 1909. He died on 25 November 1972 at age 85.
+ 180 iv. Rudolph J. Prybil was born on 8 September 1888. He married Beatrice Picka, daughter of James Picka and Eleanor Cerná, on 26 January 1910 in St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, Iowa City, IA, USA. He died on 6 December 1960 at age 72.
+ 181 v. Paul J. Prybil was born on 11 February 1899. He married Libbie Brock. He died on 8 November 1927 at age 28.
Joseph and Annie Kostal Vitosh
139. Joseph (Josef)7 Vitosh (Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,158,118 was born on 8 March 1866 in 16, Kriše, Bohemia.118 He married Annie Kostal, daughter of Albert Vojtech Kostal and Josephine Shebek, on 29 February 1892.146 He died on 20 December 1940 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 74.146
Children of Joseph (Josef)7 Vitosh and Annie Kostal all born in Odell, NE, USA, were as follows:
+ 182 i. Rudolph Charles8 Vitosh was born on 18 April 1893. He married Annie Doris Novotny, daughter of Frank Novotny and Estella Ruzicka, on 2 February 1915. He died on 12 September 1959 at age 66.
+ 183 ii. William Frank Vitosh was born on 4 October 1894. He married Mary A. Beran, daughter of Anton Beran and Josephine, on 26 September 1917 in Lanham, KS, USA. He died on 17 May 1967 at age 72.
+ 184 iii. Charles William Vitosh was born on 11 November 1895. He married Mary Josephine Beran, daughter of Joseph Beran and Josephine Zeman, on 13 February 1917 in Court House, Beatrice, NE, USA. He died on 20 November 1961 at age 66.
+ 185 iv. Harry Joseph Vitosh was born on 9 September 1897. He married Elsie C. Peterka, daughter of Albert Peterka and Emma (Molly) Hubka, on 19 November 1935 in Emma Peterka's home, Narka, KS, USA. He died on 17 November 1985 at age 88.
+ 186 v. Joseph Albert Vitosh was born on 8 April 1899. He married Rose B. Bures on 10 September 1929 in Beatrice, NE, USA. He died on 15 February 1980 at age 80.
+ 187 vi. Mary Ann Vitosh was born on 24 January 1901. She married Robert Vaclav Lisec, son of František (Frank Bartholomew) Lisec and Anna Hlavac, on 15 November 1927. She died on 29 June 1990 at age 89. She was buried on 29 June 1990.
Otto and Clara Vitosh Vosika
188 vii. Clara Francis Vitosh159 was born on 26 October 1903.146 She married Otto Vosika, son of Benjamin Vosika and Mary Vales, on 26 November 1935.146 She died on 14 May 1958 in Wilber, NE, USA, at age 54.146
Frank and Matilda Zabokrtsky Vitosh
142. Frank7 Vitosh (Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 1 December 1872 in IA, USA.146 He married Matilda Zabokrtsky, daughter of George Zabokrtsky and Anna Rencin, on 13 January 1896 in Odell Catholic Church, Odell, NE, USA.146 He died on 16 May 1935 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 62.146
Children of Frank7 Vitosh and Matilda Zabokrtsky were as follows:
+ 189 i. Estella M.8 Vitosh was born on 11 June 1897 in Odell, NE, USA. She married Frank Joseph Bures on 8 December 1920. She married Joseph Beran on 14 August 1936. She died on 21 May 1973 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 75.
190 ii. Lillian Vitosh was born on 23 April 1900 in Odell, NE, USA. She married Doyle Sherwood on 20 December 1937 in Yuma, AZ, USA.146 She died on 8 December 1991 in Orange, CA, USA, at age 91.
+ 191 iii. Richard Vitosh was born on 13 November 1902 in Odell, NE, USA. He married Emma Weiner, daughter of Edward Weiner, on 19 December 1918 in Lincoln, NE, USA. He died on 5 November 1971 in Coalgate, OK, USA, at age 68.
192 iv. Infant Vitosh146 was born in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He/she died on 25 April 1907 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146
193 v. Frankie Vitosh146 was born on 13 February 1909 in Edinburg, TX, USA.146 He died on 8 February 1923 in Edenberg, TX, USA, at age 13.146,160
144. Václav7 Zeithammel (Josefa6 Vitoušová, František5 Vitouš, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)161 was born in Bohemia. He married Josefa Simicova, daughter of Antonin Simicce and Katerina Vyskova, in Czechoslovakia.162
Children of Václav7 Zeithammel and Josefa Simicova were:
+ 194 i. Marie8 Zeithamlová was born on 23 December 1903 in Bohemia. She married František Slaby in Czechoslovakia. She died in 1986 in Bohemia.
147. Josef7 Vitouš (Václav6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)36 was born on 15 February 1831 in 24, Stupno, Bohemia.36 He married Josefa SSassek on 18 November 1851 in 25, Bezdekow, Bohemia.36 He died on 26 January 1893 in Chicago, IL, USA, at age 61.36
Children of Josef7 Vitouš and Josefa SSassek were:
+ 195 i. Jan8 Vitous was born on 13 May 1867 in Born on Ship, USA. He married Catharine Herda in 1893 in IL, USA. He died on 11 August 1917 in Cicero, IL, USA, at age 50.
151. Josef7 Vitouš (Josef6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)163 was born on 29 October 1839 in 34, Zichlice, Bohemia.164 He married Marie Bolounova on 16 September 1862 in 34, Zichlice, Bohemia.165 He died in 1895 in Bohemia.166
Children of Josef7 Vitouš and Marie Bolounova were:
+ 196 i. František8 Vitouš was born on 24 March 1869 in 16, Zichlice, Bohemia. He married Anezka Ruzka in Bohemia.
152. Anna7 Slama (Katerina6 Schusteriz, Anna5 Vitoušová, Andreas4 Vitouš, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 1 August 1832 in Stupno, Bohemia. She married František Soustek.
Children of Anna7 Slama and František Soustek were:
+ 197 i. Aloisie8 Soustek was born on 23 January 1874 in Stupno, Bohemia. She married Václav Dlouhy. She died on 27 August 1976 in Elgin, IL, USA, at age 102.
153. Josef7 Vitouš (Josef6, Martin5, Andreas4, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1)36 was born on 1 April 1848 in Bohemia.36 He married Pavlina Bauerova in Bohemia.167
Children of Josef7 Vitouš and Pavlina Bauerova were:
+ 198 i. František8 Vitouš was born on 26 September 1891 in Bohemia. He married Miloslava Antonie Krosarova in Czechoslovakia. He died on 27 November 1967 in Czechoslovakia at age 76.
Generation Eight
170. Albert8 Bezdek (Kate7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 23 March 1888 in Odell, NE, USA.168 He married Rose Kostecky on 12 July 1913.146 He died on 26 January 1966 in Ravenna, NE, USA, at age 77.168
Children of Albert8 Bezdek and Rose Kostecky were:
+ 199 i. Vlasta (Pat) Betty9 Bezdek was born on 22 November 1920 in Sweetwater, NE, USA. She married John Louis Suster on 23 March 1941. She died on 26 February 2012 in Scottsdale, AZ, USA, at age 91.
171. Joseph8 Vitosh (James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 25 November 1883 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Emma Schwinn, daughter of Charles Schwinn and Catherine Meintzer, on 21 February 1906.146 He married Gertrude Duffy on 30 September 1931.146 He died on 21 April 1941 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 57.146
Children of Joseph8 Vitosh and Emma Schwinn all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
+ 200 i. Irene Josephine9 Vitosh was born on 8 March 1907. She married Thomas Joseph Neuzil, son of John W. Neuzil and Anna Parizek, on 2 September 1925 in St Wenaeslaus Church, Iowa City, IA, USA. She died on 18 June 1999 at age 92.
+ 201 ii. Helen Catherine Vitosh was born on 7 July 1910. She married Delbert McCormick on 16 June 1940 in St Teresa Catholic Church, Lincoln, NE, USA. She died on 31 January 1976 at age 65.
+ 202 iii. Evelyn Vitosh was born on 11 November 1916. She married Herbert Edward Holmes on 4 November 1935. She died on 9 April 2000 at age 83.
Children of Joseph8 Vitosh and Gertrude Duffy are:
203 i. Marilyn9 Vitosh146 *.
172. William8 Vitosh (James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 30 May 1888 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Frances Koza on 21 February 1911.146 He died on 25 March 1966 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 77.146
Children of William8 Vitosh and Frances Koza all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
204 i. Joseph9 Vitosh146 was born on 19 March 1914.146 He died on 15 November 1914 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146
+ 205 ii. Dorothy Marie Vitosh was born on 4 April 1916. She married Joseph William Miltner, son of Joseph M. Miltner and Alma Zenisheck, on 26 April 1939 in St. Wenceslaus Church, Iowa City, IA, USA. She died on 27 July 1973 at age 57.
+ 206 iii. Genevieve Helen Vitosh was born on 11 May 1919. She married Francis Leon Conklin, son of Loren Kohl Conklin and Mary Elizabeth Hipp, on 4 June 1947. She died on 31 January 1985 at age 65.
Linus and Mary Vitosh Schnoeblen
173. Mayme A. (Mary)8 Vitosh (Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 27 May 1884 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She married Linus I. Schnoebelen, son of Joseph N. Schnoebelen and Lavinia Knebl, on 26 April 1911.146,169 She died on 16 May 1974 in Los Angeles, CA, USA, at age 89.146
Children of Mayme A. (Mary)8 Vitosh and Linus I. Schnoebelen all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
+ 207 i. Eldon O.9 Schnoebelen was born on 12 June 1912. He married Evna Marie Donohue in 1936. He died on 10 February 1984 at age 71.
208 ii. Virgil L. Schnoebelen146 was born on 16 February 1914.146 He married Georgene Sullivan in 1940.146 He died in 2004.170
+ 209 iii. Carroll Michael Schnoebelen was born on 4 January 1916. He married Clarice M. Freeman on 18 February 1950. He died on 21 March 1998 at age 82.
210 iv. Louita Rose Schnoebelen146 *.
+ 211 v. Twylah Mary Schnoebelen *.
Emma Vitosh Lackender
174. Emma8 Vitosh (Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 11 December 1887 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She married Jacob Lackender, son of Abraham Lackender and Barbara Durst.146 She died on 21 October 1946 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 58.146
Children of Emma8 Vitosh and Jacob Lackender are as follows:
175. James R.8 Vitosh (Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 24 September 1889 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Clara M. Klema, daughter of Martin Klema and Anna, on 1 September 1914.146 He died on 8 July 1968 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 78.146
Children of James R.8 Vitosh and Clara M. Klema all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
+ 214 i. Raymond James9 Vitosh was born on 3 August 1915. He married Velva M. Stockman on 20 April 1938. He died on 12 December 1983 at age 68.
215 ii. Elsie Kathleen Vitosh146 was born on 6 October 1916.146 She died on 2 January 1999 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 82.146
+ 216 iii. Kenneth Martin Vitosh was born on 30 August 1922. He married Nellie Snyder on 27 June 1949. He died on 20 November 1988 at age 66.
217 iv. Robert Donald Vitosh171 was born on 27 May 1924.171 He married Charlotte Bohac.146 He married Marian White on 26 July 1949. He died on 17 July 2005 in Bettendorf, IA, USA, at age 81.172 He was buried on 23 July 2005 in Davenport, IA, USA.173
+ 218 v. Delores Martha Vitosh was born on 31 January 1929. She married Oakland DeMoss on 22 October 1950. She died on 19 February 2013 at age 84.
219 vi. James Raymond Vitosh174 was born on 23 July 1931.174 He married Donna Hora, daughter of George Hora and Hellen Phillips, on 22 August 1961.146 He died on 9 June 1993 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 61.146
+ 220 vii. Richard Francis Vitosh *.
+ 221 viii. Russell William Vitosh was born on 29 February 1936. He married Mary Rosalie Krebs on 25 June 1960. He died on 14 May 1979 at age 43.
176. John Michael8 Vitosh (Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,175 was born on 6 September 1892 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Loretta E. Neuzil, daughter of Joseph Neuzil and Catherine Hebl, on 4 February 1920 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He died on 30 January 1951 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 58.146
Children of John Michael8 Vitosh and Loretta E. Neuzil were as follows:
+ 222 i. Betty9 Vitosh *.
+ 223 ii. Rita R. Vitosh was born on 10 November 1922 in Iowa City, IA, USA. She married Edmond F Brooks on 15 November 1941. She died on 18 January 2013 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 90.
+ 224 iii. Catherine Vitosh *.
177. William W.8 Prybil (Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 31 May 1884 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Ella M. Slezak, daughter of Joseph Slezak and Anna Teal, on 18 January 1910.146 He died on 23 June 1949 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 65.146
Children of William W.8 Prybil and Ella M. Slezak were as follows:
+ 225 i. Mildred9 Prybil was born on 3 November 1912 in Iowa City, IA, USA. She married John Stevens on 12 November 1934. She died in 1996 in Iowa City, IA, USA.
+ 226 ii. William J. Prybil *.
+ 227 iii. Carl Edward Prybil was born on 10 August 1916 in Iowa City, IA, USA. He married Patricia Barbara Erusha, daughter of Wesley Victor Erusha and Anna Marie Svoboda, on 5 October 1939. He died on 31 January 1988 in Riverside, IA, USA, at age 71.
+ 228 iv. Dorothy L. Prybil *.
+ 229 v. Ruth Prybil *.
178. Frank8 Prybil (Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 2 April 1885 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Emma Bulechek, daughter of John Bulechek, on 5 February 1907.146 He died in 1942 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146
Children of Frank8 Prybil and Emma Bulechek all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
230 i. Grace9 Prybil146 was born on 2 March 1908.146 She married Dewey Gibson on 3 February 1937.146 She died on 28 March 1974 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 66.146
231 ii. Raymond Prybil176 was born on 2 October 1910.176 He died on 22 February 1974 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 63.176
232 iii. Reynolds Prybil176 was born on 3 September 1914.176 He married Vivian Ford on 3 August 1938. He died in September 1977.176
179. George V.8 Prybil (Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 20 May 1887 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Frances E. Reha on 5 May 1909.146 He died on 25 November 1972 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 85.146
Children of George V.8 Prybil and Frances E. Reha all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
+ 233 i. Ralph9 Prybil was born on 6 July 1910. He married Lillian A. Hotz. He died on 16 November 2004 at age 94.
234 ii. Edith Marie Prybil was born on 14 August 1914.177 She married Winfield Frederickson on 6 March 1934.178 She married Everett Wilson after 1935.178 She died on 28 January 2005 at age 90.179
+ 235 iii. Florence Prybil was born on 18 October 1923. She married Bruce Robert Glasgow on 27 December 1947 in Iowa City, IA, USA. She died on 4 March 2006 at age 82.
180. Rudolph J.8 Prybil (Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 8 September 1888 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Beatrice Picka, daughter of James Picka and Eleanor Cerná, on 26 January 1910 in St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He died on 6 December 1960 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 72.146
Children of Rudolph J.8 Prybil and Beatrice Picka are as follows:
181. Paul J.8 Prybil (Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 11 February 1899 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Libbie Brock.146 He died on 8 November 1927 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 28.146
Children of Paul J.8 Prybil and Libbie Brock are:
238 i. Donald9 Prybil146 *.
Roudolph and Annie Novotny Vitosh
182. Rudolph Charles8 Vitosh (Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)180 was born on 18 April 1893 in Odell, NE, USA.146 He married Annie Doris Novotny, daughter of Frank Novotny and Estella Ruzicka, on 2 February 1915.146 He died on 12 September 1959 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 66.146
Children of Rudolph Charles8 Vitosh and Annie Doris Novotny were as follows:
239 i. Baby9 Vitosh was born in 1916. He died in 1916.
240 ii. Baby Vitosh146 was born in 1918. He died in 1918.
+ 241 iii. Genevieve Ann Vitosh was born on 9 January 1924 in Odell, NE, USA. She married Arthur Duensing on 5 April 1945. She died on 2 September 2004 at age 80.
William and Mary Beran Vitosh
183. William Frank8 Vitosh (Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)181 was born on 4 October 1894 in Odell, NE, USA.146 He married Mary A. Beran, daughter of Anton Beran and Josephine, on 26 September 1917 in Lanham, KS, USA.146 He died on 17 May 1967 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 72.146
Children of William Frank8 Vitosh and Mary A. Beran were as follows:
+ 242 i. Arthur William9 Vitosh was born on 14 February 1918 in 6 miles N, 1/4 W of Odell, Odell, NE, USA. He married Eileen Dezort on 20 January 1943. He died on 15 April 2001 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 83.
243 ii. Irene Mae Vitosh168 was born on 12 May 1921 in Odell, NE, USA.168 She married Wilson Dienstbier on 20 June 1942.146 She died on 27 May 2010 at age 89.182
LaVern Vitosh
244 iii. LaVern Elsie Vitosh168 was born on 27 February 1923 in 6 miles N, 1/4 W of Odell, Odell, NE, USA.168 She died on 23 August 1990 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 67.168
Charles and Mary Beran Vitosh
184. Charles William8 Vitosh (Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)180 was born on 11 November 1895 in Odell, NE, USA.146 He married Mary Josephine Beran, daughter of Joseph Beran and Josephine Zeman, on 13 February 1917 in Court House, Beatrice, NE, USA.146 He died on 20 November 1961 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 66.146
Children of Charles William8 Vitosh and Mary Josephine Beran all born in Odell, NE, USA, were as follows:
245 i. Agnes Christina9 Vitosh168 was born on 5 April 1918.168 She married Stanley R. Bednar on 15 January 1943.146 She died on 3 June 2007 in Beatrice Community Hospital, Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 89.
+ 246 ii. Harold Charles Vitosh was born on 18 June 1920. He married Phyllis England on 1 March 1946. He died on 7 May 1989 at age 68.
+ 247 iii. Alma Elsie Vitosh was born on 10 December 1922. She married Harold Essman on 20 August 1946. She died on 19 May 2006 at age 83.
248 iv. Adeline Mary Vitosh168 *.
+ 249 v. Milton Edward Vitosh *.
+ 250 vi. Elaine Mae Vitosh *.
+ 251 vii. Charles Allen Vitosh Jr. *.
Harry and Elsie Peterka Vitosh
185. Harry Joseph8 Vitosh (Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 9 September 1897 in Odell, NE, USA.146 He married Elsie C. Peterka, daughter of Albert Peterka and Emma (Molly) Hubka, on 19 November 1935 in Emma Peterka's home, Narka, KS, USA.146 He died on 17 November 1985 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 88.146
Children of Harry Joseph8 Vitosh and Elsie C. Peterka are as follows:
Joseph A. and Rose Bures Vitosh
186. Joseph Albert8 Vitosh (Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)159 was born on 8 April 1899 in Odell, NE, USA.146 He married Rose B. Bures on 10 September 1929 in Beatrice, NE, USA.146 He died on 15 February 1980 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 80.146
Children of Joseph Albert8 Vitosh and Rose B. Bures all born in Odell, NE, USA, were as follows:
Robert and Mary Vitosh Lisec
187. Mary Ann8 Vitosh (Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)159 was born on 24 January 1901 in Odell, NE, USA.146 She married Robert Vaclav Lisec, son of František (Frank Bartholomew) Lisec and Anna Hlavac, on 15 November 1927.146 She died on 29 June 1990 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 89.146 She was buried on 29 June 1990 in Czech National Cemetery, Odell, NE, USA.183
Children of Mary Ann8 Vitosh and Robert Vaclav Lisec were as follows:
+ 263 i. Edward Robert9 Lisec was born on 24 January 1929 in 2 mile S, 1 3/4 E of Odell, NE, USA. He married Virginia Lee DeLehoy on 4 January 1949. He married Dorothy Jean Holbrook on 16 February 1985. He died on 16 May 2008 in Downs, KS, USA, at age 79.
+ 264 ii. Evelyn Ann Lisec was born on 24 September 1932 in Odell, NE, USA. She married Wayne Allen Colgrove, son of Dell Blaine Colgrove and Celia Etta Whitton, on 19 December 1948 in Blue Springs Christian Church, Blue Springs, NE, USA.
She died on 8 January 2007 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 74. She was
buried on 12 January 2007 in Odell Cemetery, Odell, NE, USA.
+ 265 iii. Irvin Dean Lisec *.
+ 266 iv. Donald Lee Lisec *.
+ 267 v. Robert Gene Lisec *.
Stella Vitosh Bures
189. Estella M.8 Vitosh (Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 11 June 1897 in Odell, NE, USA.146 She married Frank Joseph Bures on 8 December 1920.146 She married Joseph Beran on 14 August 1936.146 She died on 21 May 1973 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 75.146
Children of Estella M.8 Vitosh and Frank Joseph Bures are:
There were no children of Estella M.8 Vitosh and Joseph Beran.
191. Richard8 Vitosh (Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 13 November 1902 in Odell, NE, USA.146 He married Emma Weiner, daughter of Edward Weiner, on 19 December 1918 in Lincoln, NE, USA.146 He died on 5 November 1971 in Coalgate, OK, USA, at age 68.146
Children of Richard8 Vitosh and Emma Weiner were as follows:
+ 269 i. Vernon Eugene9 Vitosh was born on 19 July 1922 in Edinburg, TX, USA. He married Margaret Ann Shalla on 23 May 1945. He married Ann Coffman on 28 August 1982. He died on 8 September 2002 in Coalgate, OK, USA, at age 80.
Dick and Norma Jean Vitosh
270 ii. Richard Vitosh Jr146 was born on 5 May 1925 in Odell, NE, USA.146 He married Norma Jean Neels on 27 July 1950.146 He died on 21 January 2012 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 86.184
194. Marie8 Zeithamlová (Václav7 Zeithammel, Josefa6 Vitoušová, František5 Vitouš, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)185,186 was born on 23 December 1903 in Bohemia.187 She married František Slaby in Czechoslovakia.187 She died in 1986 in Bohemia.186
Children of Marie8 Zeithamlová and František Slaby are:
195. Jan8 Vitous (Josef7 Vitouš, Václav6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)36 was born on 13 May 1867 in Born on Ship, USA.36 He married Catharine Herda in 1893 in IL, USA.188 He died on 11 August 1917 in Cicero, IL, USA, at age 50.188
Children of Jan8 Vitous and Catharine Herda were:
+ 272 i. Elmer John9 Vitous was born on 25 August 1899 in IL, USA. He married Irene Bertha Toman on 5 September 1923 in Chicago, IL, USA. He died on 12 February 1979 in Torrance, CA, USA, at age 79.
196. František8 Vitouš (Josef7, Josef6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)189 was born on 24 March 1869 in 16, Zichlice, Bohemia.189 He married Anezka Ruzka in Bohemia.190
Children of František8 Vitouš and Anezka Ruzka were as follows:
273 i. František9 Vitouš190 was born on 27 November 1895 in 22, Dobric, Bohemia.190
+ 274 ii. Antonin Vitouš *.
197. Aloisie8 Soustek (Anna7 Slama, Katerina6 Schusteriz, Anna5 Vitoušová, Andreas4 Vitouš, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 23 January 1874 in Stupno, Bohemia. She married Václav Dlouhy. She died on 27 August 1976 in Elgin, IL, USA, at age 102.
Children of Aloisie8 Soustek and Václav Dlouhy were:
+ 275 i. James9 Dlouhy was born on 24 August 1900 in Chicago, IL, USA. He married Barbara Pekarek. He died on 20 February 1963 in Cicero, IL, USA, at age 62.
198. František8 Vitouš (Josef7, Josef6, Martin5, Andreas4, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1)167 was born on 26 September 1891 in Bohemia.167 He married Miloslava Antonie Krosarova in Czechoslovakia.167 He died on 27 November 1967 in Czechoslovakia at age 76.167
Children of František8 Vitouš and Miloslava Antonie Krosarova were:
+ 276 i. František9 Vitouš was born on 7 March 1932 in Czechoslovakia. He married Irena Kubova in Czechoslovakia. He died on 16 November 2005 in 27, Stupno, CZ, at age 73.
Generation Nine
199. Vlasta (Pat) Betty9 Bezdek (Albert8, Kate7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168,191 was born on 22 November 1920 in Sweetwater, NE, USA.168 She married John Louis Suster on 23 March 1941.191 She died on 26 February 2012 in Scottsdale, AZ, USA, at age 91.192
Children of Vlasta (Pat) Betty9 Bezdek and John Louis Suster both born in Omaha, NE, USA, are as follows:
Irene Vitosh Neuzil
200. Irene Josephine9 Vitosh (Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 8 March 1907 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She married Thomas Joseph Neuzil, son of John W. Neuzil and Anna Parizek, on 2 September 1925 in St Wenaeslaus Church, Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She died on 18 June 1999 at age 92.146
Children of Irene Josephine9 Vitosh and Thomas Joseph Neuzil were as follows:
+ 279 i. Paul Thomas10 Neuzil was born on 21 May 1927 in Iowa City, IA, USA. He married Geraldine Josephine (JoAnne) Cox, daughter of James Davis Cox and Catherine B. Barry, on 1 August 1953 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Iowa City, IA, USA. He died on 3 November 2009 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 82.
280 ii. Delores Margaret Neuzil146 *.
281 iii. Ann Emma Neuzil146 was born on 25 June 1932 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She married Harold Black in August 1953.146 She married Paul Langenberg in 1982.146 She died on 7 March 2008 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 75.193
282 iv. Thomas James Neuzil146 was born on 1 August 1939 in Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Dolores Cano on 27 November 1962.146 He died on 29 July 1990 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 50.146
201. Helen Catherine9 Vitosh (Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 7 July 1910 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She married Delbert McCormick on 16 June 1940 in St Teresa Catholic Church, Lincoln, NE, USA.146 She died on 31 January 1976 in Los Angeles, CA, USA, at age 65.146
Children of Helen Catherine9 Vitosh and Delbert McCormick are:
283 i. Judith Ann10 McCormick146 *.
202. Evelyn9 Vitosh (Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 11 November 1916 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She married Herbert Edward Holmes on 4 November 1935.146 She died on 9 April 2000 at age 83.
Children of Evelyn9 Vitosh and Herbert Edward Holmes are:
205. Dorothy Marie9 Vitosh (William8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 4 April 1916 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She married Joseph William Miltner, son of Joseph M. Miltner and Alma Zenisheck, on 26 April 1939 in St. Wenceslaus Church, Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She died on 27 July 1973 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 57.146
Children of Dorothy Marie9 Vitosh and Joseph William Miltner were as follows:
206. Genevieve Helen9 Vitosh (William8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 11 May 1919 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 She married Francis Leon Conklin, son of Loren Kohl Conklin and Mary Elizabeth Hipp, on 4 June 1947.146 She died on 31 January 1985 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 65.146
Children of Genevieve Helen9 Vitosh and Francis Leon Conklin all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, are as follows:
289 i. Steven10 Conklin146 *.
290 ii. Susan Conklin146 *.
291 iii. Sandra Marie Conklin146 *.
292 iv. Sherrie Jean Conklin146 *.
207. Eldon O.9 Schnoebelen (Mayme8 Vitosh, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 12 June 1912 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Evna Marie Donohue in 1936.146 He died on 10 February 1984 in Poway, CA, USA, at age 71.146
Children of Eldon O.9 Schnoebelen and Evna Marie Donohue are:
293 i. David10 Schnoebelen170 *.
209. Carroll Michael9 Schnoebelen (Mayme8 Vitosh, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 4 January 1916 in Iowa City, IA, USA. He married Clarice M. Freeman on 18 February 1950.146 He died on 21 March 1998 at age 82.194
Children of Carroll Michael9 Schnoebelen and Clarice M. Freeman are as follows:
211. Twylah Mary9 Schnoebelen (Mayme8 Vitosh, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Twylah Mary9 Schnoebelen and Chalres M. Lawson are:
296 i. William10 Lawson170 *.
212. Doris Emma9 Lackender (Emma8 Vitosh, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Doris Emma9 Lackender and James H. Wilson are as follows:
297 i. Michael10 Wilson146 *.
298 ii. Barbara Wilson146 *.
299 iii. Richard Wilson146 *.
300 iv. Thomas Wilson146 *.
301 v. Lawrence Wilson146 *.
302 vi. Martha Wilson146 *.
303 vii. Sarah Wilson146 *.
304 viii. Ronald Wilson146 *.
305 ix. Paul Wilson146 *.
306 x. Marianne Wilson146 *.
213. Darlene B.9 Lackender (Emma8 Vitosh, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Darlene B.9 Lackender and John W. Doyle are as follows:
307 i. Nancy10 Doyle146 *.
308 ii. Kathleen Doyle146 *.
309 iii. Brian Doyle *.
310 iv. John Doyle146 *.
311 v. David Doyle146 *.
214. Raymond James9 Vitosh (James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)196 was born on 3 August 1915 in Iowa City, IA, USA.196,197 He married Velva M. Stockman on 20 April 1938.146 He died on 12 December 1983 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 68.196
Children of Raymond James9 Vitosh and Velva M. Stockman are:
216. Kenneth Martin9 Vitosh (James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)174 was born on 30 August 1922 in Iowa City, IA, USA.174 He married Nellie Snyder on 27 June 1949.146 He died on 20 November 1988 in Davenport, IA, USA, at age 66.174
Children of Kenneth Martin9 Vitosh and Nellie Snyder are as follows:
218. Delores Martha9 Vitosh (James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)174 was born on 31 January 1929 in Iowa City, IA, USA.174 She married Oakland DeMoss on 22 October 1950.146 She died on 19 February 2013 at age 84.200
Children of Delores Martha9 Vitosh and Oakland DeMoss are:
220. Richard Francis9 Vitosh (James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)174 *.
Children of Richard Francis9 Vitosh and Norma Johnson are as follows:
There were no children of Richard Francis9 Vitosh and Jean Walden.
221. Russell William9 Vitosh (James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)174 was born on 29 February 1936 in Iowa City, IA, USA.174 He married Mary Rosalie Krebs on 25 June 1960.146 He died on 14 May 1979 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 43.174
Children of Russell William9 Vitosh and Mary Rosalie Krebs were as follows:
+ 320 i. Steven William10 Vitosh was born on 4 November 1964. He married Saira Elizabeth Terry on 8 September 1990. He died on 23 October 1998 at age 33.
321 ii. Nicole Rose Vitosh was born on 15 October 1972. She died on 18 November 1992 at age 20.201
222. Betty9 Vitosh (John8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Betty9 Vitosh and Leonard Graham are as follows:
322 i. Larry10 Graham175 *.
323 ii. Richard Graham175 *.
324 iii. Dennis Graham202 *.
223. Rita R.9 Vitosh (John8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 10 November 1922 in Iowa City, IA, USA.203 She married Edmond F Brooks on 15 November 1941.146 She died on 18 January 2013 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 90.204
Children of Rita R.9 Vitosh and Edmond F Brooks are:
325 i. Harold10 Brooks175 *.
Warren and Catherine Vitosh Conrad
224. Catherine9 Vitosh (John8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Catherine9 Vitosh and Warren Conrad are:
326 i. Robert W.10 Conrad205 *.
225. Mildred9 Prybil (William8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)206 was born on 3 November 1912 in Iowa City, IA, USA.206 She married John Stevens on 12 November 1934.146 She died in 1996 in Iowa City, IA, USA.206
Children of Mildred9 Prybil and John Stevens are as follows:
327 i. John10 Stevens II146 *.
328 ii. Kaye Stevens146 *.
226. William J.9 Prybil (William8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)207 *.
Children of William J.9 Prybil and Bonnie Clear are as follows:
329 i. Mary Ellen10 Prybil146 *.
330 ii. Wilma Prybil146 *.
227. Carl Edward9 Prybil (William8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)208 was born on 10 August 1916 in Iowa City, IA, USA.208 He married Patricia Barbara Erusha, daughter of Wesley Victor Erusha and Anna Marie Svoboda, on 5 October 1939.146 He died on 31 January 1988 in Riverside, IA, USA, at age 71.208
Children of Carl Edward9 Prybil and Patricia Barbara Erusha are as follows:
331 i. Gerald (Jerry)10 Prybil146 *.
332 ii. Carl A. Prybil146 *.
333 iii. Thomas Joseph Prybil146 *.
334 iv. James William Prybil146 *.
335 v. Donald Wesley Prybil146 *.
336 vi. Steven Michael Prybil146 *.
228. Dorothy L.9 Prybil (William8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Dorothy L.9 Prybil and Robert W. Stevens are as follows:
337 i. Shirley10 Stevens146 *.
338 ii. Judith Stevens146 *.
339 iii. Robert W. Stevens146 *.
340 iv. James E. Stevens146 *.
229. Ruth9 Prybil (William8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Ruth9 Prybil and Ray Frank were as follows:
341 i. Mary Ruth10 Frank146 *.
342 ii. Sandra Frank146 *.
343 iii. William Frank146 *.
344 iv. Thomas Frank146 was born on 1 December 1951.146
233. Ralph9 Prybil (George8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)209 was born on 6 July 1910 in Iowa City, IA, USA.209 He married Lillian A. Hotz. He died on 16 November 2004 in Hills, IA, USA, at age 94.209
Children of Ralph9 Prybil and Lillian A. Hotz are as follows:
345 i. Joanne10 Prybil *.
346 ii. Eldon Prybil *.
347 iii. Bernard Prybil *.
235. Florence9 Prybil (George8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 18 October 1923 in Iowa City, IA, USA.179 She married Bruce Robert Glasgow on 27 December 1947 in Iowa City, IA, USA.179 She died on 4 March 2006 in St Joseph Cemetery, Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 82.210
Children of Florence9 Prybil and Bruce Robert Glasgow all born in Iowa City, IA, USA, were as follows:
+ 348 i. Daniel Joseph10 Glasgow *.
349 ii. James Patrick Glasgow179 *.
350 iii. Ellen Frances Glasgow179 *.
351 iv. William Michael Glasgow179 *.
352 v. Anne Katherine Glasgow179 was born on 9 June 1957.179 She married Eric Wickstrom on 26 October 1991.179 She died on 21 November 1991 in Plano, TX, USA, at age 34.179
237. Gladys9 Prybil (Rudolph8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Gladys9 Prybil and Henry J. Spies are as follows:
Arthur and Genevieve Vitosh Duensing
241. Genevieve Ann9 Vitosh (Rudolph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 9 January 1924 in Odell, NE, USA.168 She married Arthur Duensing on 5 April 1945.168 She died on 2 September 2004 at age 80.211
Children of Genevieve Ann9 Vitosh and Arthur Duensing were as follows:
+ 355 i. Janice Ann10 Duensing *.
+ 356 ii. Joyce Elaine Duensing was born on 31 July 1953 in Odell, NE, USA. She married Dannie Michael Hackler on 12 June 1981 in Beatrice, NE, USA. She died on 17 January 2013 in Wymore, NE, USA, at age 59.
357 iii. Larry Arthur Duensing146 was born on 13 January 1962.146 He died on 13 January 1962.212
242. Arthur William9 Vitosh (William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 14 February 1918 in 6 miles N, 1/4 W of Odell, Odell, NE, USA.168 He married Eileen Dezort on 20 January 1943.146 He died on 15 April 2001 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 83.
Children of Arthur William9 Vitosh and Eileen Dezort are as follows:
Harold and Phyllis Vitosh
246. Harold Charles9 Vitosh (Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 18 June 1920 in Odell, NE, USA.168 He married Phyllis England on 1 March 1946.146 He died on 7 May 1989 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 68.168
Children of Harold Charles9 Vitosh and Phyllis England are as follows:
247. Alma Elsie9 Vitosh (Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 10 December 1922 in Odell, NE, USA.168 She married Harold Essman on 20 August 1946.146 She died on 19 May 2006 at age 83.214
Children of Alma Elsie9 Vitosh and Harold Essman are as follows:
249. Milton Edward9 Vitosh (Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Milton Edward9 Vitosh and June Thompson are as follows:
250. Elaine Mae9 Vitosh (Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Elaine Mae9 Vitosh and George Henzel were as follows:
251. Charles Allen9 Vitosh Jr. (Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Charles Allen9 Vitosh Jr. and Carol Luebken are as follows:
There were no children of Charles Allen9 Vitosh Jr. and Joyce Weissert.
There were no children of Charles Allen9 Vitosh Jr. and Sandra Mellage.
252. Bernice Fay9 Vitosh (Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Bernice Fay9 Vitosh and Robert Lloyd Ruyle are as follows:
253. Maurice Lee9 Vitosh (Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Maurice Lee9 Vitosh and Ilona Mae Colgrove are:
254. Lawerence Harry9 Vitosh (Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,215 *.
Children of Lawerence Harry9 Vitosh and Mona Nadine Mues all born in Beatrice, NE, USA, are as follows:
255. Walter Joseph9 Vitosh (Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Walter Joseph9 Vitosh and Beverly Glathar are as follows:
256. Lorraine Donna9 Vitosh (Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Lorraine Donna9 Vitosh and Louis Bates are as follows:
257. Maxine9 Vitosh (Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168,216 *.
Children of Maxine9 Vitosh and John L. Marshall are as follows:
258. Melvin Dean9 Vitosh (Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Melvin Dean9 Vitosh and Lylah Luebken are as follows:
259. Arnold Gene9 Vitosh (Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Arnold Gene9 Vitosh and Judith Ann McConnell are as follows:
260. LeRoy Dale9 Vitosh (Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 6 January 1944 in Odell, NE, USA.168 He married Carolyn Ann Oldehoeft on 20 June 1970.146 He died on 9 May 1998 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 54.
Children of LeRoy Dale9 Vitosh and Carolyn Ann Oldehoeft are as follows:
261. Larry Lee9 Vitosh (Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 28 January 1946 in Odell, NE, USA.168 He married Bernice Rosenthal on 29 August 1975.146 He died on 25 June 2011 in Odell, NE, USA, at age 65.217
Children of Larry Lee9 Vitosh and Bernice Rosenthal were as follows:
263. Edward Robert9 Lisec (Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 24 January 1929 in 2 mile S, 1 3/4 E of Odell, NE, USA.168,218 He married Virginia Lee DeLehoy on 4 January 1949.146 He married Dorothy Jean Holbrook on 16 February 1985.146 He died on 16 May 2008 in Downs, KS, USA, at age 79.219
Children of Edward Robert9 Lisec and Virginia Lee DeLehoy were as follows:
There were no children of Edward Robert9 Lisec and Dorothy Jean Holbrook.
264. Evelyn Ann9 Lisec (Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 was born on 24 September 1932 in Odell, NE, USA.168 She married Wayne Allen Colgrove, son of Dell Blaine Colgrove and Celia Etta Whitton, on 19 December 1948 in Blue Springs Christian Church, Blue Springs, NE, USA.146 She died on 8 January 2007 in Beatrice, NE, USA, at age 74.220 She was buried on 12 January 2007 in Odell Cemetery, Odell, NE, USA.221
Children of Evelyn Ann9 Lisec and Wayne Allen Colgrove all born in Rice Hospital, Odell, NE, USA, are as follows:
265. Irvin Dean9 Lisec (Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Irvin Dean9 Lisec and Connie Jean Adam are as follows:
There were no children of Irvin Dean9 Lisec and Irma Hendricks.
266. Donald Lee9 Lisec (Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168,218 *.
Children of Donald Lee9 Lisec and Connie Horkey are as follows:
Children of Donald Lee9 Lisec and Helen O'Ragen were as follows:
424 i. Donald Lee10 Lisec146 was born on 31 January 1979.146 He died in 1988.
425 ii. Mary Frances Lisec146 *.
267. Robert Gene9 Lisec (Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)168 *.
Children of Robert Gene9 Lisec and Laurabelle Paben are as follows:
268. Donald Dale9 Bures (Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Donald Dale9 Bures and Lois Maxine Neels were as follows:
+ 428 i. Allen Lee10 Bures *.
+ 429 ii. Gary Lynn Bures *.
+ 430 iii. Lynette Bures was born on 24 May 1953. She married Gerald Wayne Johnson on 3 May 1975 in Odell, NE, USA. She married Steven Kuhlmann on 9 March 1985 in Las Vegas, NV, USA. She died on 14 December 2000 at age 47.
269. Vernon Eugene9 Vitosh (Richard8, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 19 July 1922 in Edinburg, TX, USA.146 He married Margaret Ann Shalla on 23 May 1945.146 He married Ann Coffman on 28 August 1982.146 He died on 8 September 2002 in Coalgate, OK, USA, at age 80.
Children of Vernon Eugene9 Vitosh and Margaret Ann Shalla both born in Odell, NE, USA, are as follows:
There were no children of Vernon Eugene9 Vitosh and Ann Coffman.
271. Marie9 Slaba (Marie8 Zeithamlová, Václav7 Zeithammel, Josefa6 Vitoušová, František5 Vitouš, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)186 *.
Children of Marie9 Slaba and Jiri Mecir both born in Czechoslovakia are as follows:
272. Elmer John9 Vitous (Jan8, Josef7 Vitouš, Václav6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)188 was born on 25 August 1899 in IL, USA.188 He married Irene Bertha Toman on 5 September 1923 in Chicago, IL, USA.188 He died on 12 February 1979 in Torrance, CA, USA, at age 79.188
Children of Elmer John9 Vitous and Irene Bertha Toman are:
274. Antonin9 Vitouš (František8, Josef7, Josef6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)222 *.
Children of Antonin9 Vitouš and Anezka are:
275. James9 Dlouhy (Aloisie8 Soustek, Anna7 Slama, Katerina6 Schusteriz, Anna5 Vitoušová, Andreas4 Vitouš, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 24 August 1900 in Chicago, IL, USA. He married Barbara Pekarek. He died on 20 February 1963 in Cicero, IL, USA, at age 62.
Children of James9 Dlouhy and Barbara Pekarek were:
+ 437 i. James Clifford10 Dlouhy was born on 26 January 1931 in Cicero, IL, USA. He married Delores Elaine Jalasky. He died on 4 July 2010 in Addison, IL, USA, at age 79.

František Vitouš
276. František9 Vitouš (František8, Josef7, Josef6, Martin5, Andreas4, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1)167 was born on 7 March 1932 in Czechoslovakia.167 He married Irena Kubova in Czechoslovakia.167 He died on 16 November 2005 in 27, Stupno, CZ, at age 73.167
Children of František9 Vitouš and Irena Kubova are:
Generation Ten
277. Jo Ann Lou10 Suster (Vlasta9 Bezdek, Albert8, Kate7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)191 *.
Children of Jo Ann Lou10 Suster and Loren Lee Saunders both born in Mesa, AZ, USA, are as follows:
439 i. Lee Ann11 Saunders223 *.
440 ii. Lance Reece Saunders223 *.
278. Janice Louise10 Suster (Vlasta9 Bezdek, Albert8, Kate7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)191 *.
Children of Janice Louise10 Suster and Kenneth Earl Brewington both born in Mesa, AZ, USA, are as follows:
441 i. John Alan11 Brewington224 *.
442 ii. Karson Sloan Brewington224,191 *.
279. Paul Thomas10 Neuzil (Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 21 May 1927 in Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He married Geraldine Josephine (JoAnne) Cox, daughter of James Davis Cox and Catherine B. Barry, on 1 August 1953 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Iowa City, IA, USA.146 He died on 3 November 2009 in Iowa City, IA, USA, at age 82.225
Children of Paul Thomas10 Neuzil and Geraldine Josephine (JoAnne) Cox were as follows:
284. Ronald Eugene10 Holmes I (Evelyn9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Ronald Eugene10 Holmes I and Linda Doshier are:
285. Mary Jean10 Miltner (Dorothy9 Vitosh, William8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Mary Jean10 Miltner and Michael A. Donovan all born in Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, IA, USA, are as follows:
454 i. Michael11 Donovan146 *.
455 ii. Robert Donovan146 *.
456 iii. Pauline Ann Donovan146 *.
457 iv. Randy Donovan146 *.
458 v. John Donovan146 *.
286. Barbara Ann10 Miltner (Dorothy9 Vitosh, William8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Barbara Ann10 Miltner and Timothy William Hill are:
459 i. Patrick Joseph11 Hill146 *.
287. Betty Jo10 Miltner (Dorothy9 Vitosh, William8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Betty Jo10 Miltner and Bruce Hensley all born in Fresno, CA, USA, are as follows:
460 i. Joel11 Hensley146 *.
461 ii. Stacy Hensley146 *.
462 iii. Jeffrey Hensley146 *.
295. Anne Carroll10 Schnoebelen (Carroll9, Mayme8 Vitosh, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)226 *.
Children of Anne Carroll10 Schnoebelen and Dennis Ralph Elloitt are:
463 i. Carson Michael11 Elloitt170 *.
312. Leo R.10 Vitosh (Raymond9, James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)227 *.
Children of Leo R.10 Vitosh and Becky Peterson are:
464 i. Amy C.11 Vitosh *.
There were no children of Leo R.10 Vitosh and Rosemary Ver Steegh.
313. David Allen10 Vitosh (Kenneth9, James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)199 *.
Children of David Allen10 Vitosh and Linda are as follows:
465 i. Jasmine Rose11 Vitosh199 *.
466 ii. Franchesca Lyn Vitosh199 *.
316. Mark Todd10 Vitosh (Kenneth9, James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Mark Todd10 Vitosh and Christine Marie (Vitosh) are:
467 i. Daniele Elyse11 Vitosh228 *.
317. Donald Eugene10 DeMoss (Delores9 Vitosh, James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)199 *.
Children of Donald Eugene10 DeMoss and Beverly (DeMoss) are as follows:
468 i. Benjamin Allan11 DeMoss229 *.
469 ii. Jessica Kathleen DeMoss199 *.
318. Mark Allen10 Vitosh (Richard9, James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Mark Allen10 Vitosh and LeAnn Grey are as follows:
470 i. Ashley11 Vitosh *.
471 ii. Abbey Vitosh230 *.
319. Tamara10 Vitosh (Richard9, James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Tamara10 Vitosh and Thomas Beebe are as follows:
472 i. Colton11 Beebe231 *.
473 ii. Collin Beebe231 *.
474 iii. Cooper Beebe231 *.
475 iv. Camden Beebe231 *.
320. Steven William10 Vitosh (Russell9, James8, Michael7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 4 November 1964. He married Saira Elizabeth Terry on 8 September 1990. He died on 23 October 1998 at age 33.232
Children of Steven William10 Vitosh and Saira Elizabeth Terry are as follows:
476 i. Brady William11 Vitosh *.
477 ii. Kathryn Nicole Vitosh233 *.
348. Daniel Joseph10 Glasgow (Florence9 Prybil, George8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)179 *.
Children of Daniel Joseph10 Glasgow and Karmella Knight are:
478 i. Nicholas Paul11 Glasgow179 *.
353. Perry H.10 Spies (Gladys9 Prybil, Rudolph8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Perry H.10 Spies include:
479 i. Melissa11 Spies146 *.
480 ii. Kerrie Spies146 *.
354. Marie K.10 Spies (Gladys9 Prybil, Rudolph8, Mary7 Vitosh, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Marie K.10 Spies and James Sayre are as follows:
481 i. Brianna11 Sayre146 *.
482 ii. Jimmy Sayre146 *.
355. Janice Ann10 Duensing (Genevieve9 Vitosh, Rudolph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Janice Ann10 Duensing and Robert Dean Zoubek are as follows:
356. Joyce Elaine10 Duensing (Genevieve9 Vitosh, Rudolph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 31 July 1953 in Odell, NE, USA.146,212 She married Dannie Michael Hackler on 12 June 1981 in Beatrice, NE, USA.146,234 She died on 17 January 2013 in Wymore, NE, USA, at age 59.234
Children of Joyce Elaine10 Duensing and Dannie Michael Hackler are as follows:
358. Dennis William10 Vitosh (Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Dennis William10 Vitosh and Marcella Kay Griess are as follows:
359. Karen Kay10 Vitosh (Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Karen Kay10 Vitosh and Edward Jurgen Ideus are as follows:
360. Carolyn Mae10 Vitosh (Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Carolyn Mae10 Vitosh and Kennith Lineweber are:
494 i. Crystal Lynn11 Lineweber146 *.
361. Michael Dean10 Vitosh (Harold9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Michael Dean10 Vitosh and Clara Lempke are as follows:
Children of Michael Dean10 Vitosh and Kelley Lee Arnold are:
363. James Alan10 Essman (Alma9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of James Alan10 Essman and Jeanene Theresa Nutz were as follows:
+ 498 i. Nathan James11 Essman *.
499 ii. Cody John Essman146 was born on 13 March 1984.146 He died on 16 August 1998 at age 14.146
500 iii. Jenna Jeanene Essman146 *.
364. Jana Rae10 Essman (Alma9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Jana Rae10 Essman and Gregory Nicholson are as follows:
365. Pamela Sue10 Essman (Alma9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Pamela Sue10 Essman and Paul Robert Zajicek are as follows:
503 i. Justin Paul11 Zajicek146 *.
504 ii. Leah Marie Zajicek146 *.
505 iii. Aaron Jay Zajicek146 *.
506 iv. Kasey Lynne Zajicek146 *.
507 v. Garrett James Zajicek146 *.
366. Darrell Lee10 Vitosh (Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Darrell Lee10 Vitosh and Barbara Alice Keller are as follows:
367. Sheryl Ann10 Vitosh (Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Sheryl Ann10 Vitosh and Alan Adam are as follows:
368. Linda Sue10 Vitosh (Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Linda Sue10 Vitosh and David E. Koch are as follows:
369. Vicki Ann10 Henzel (Elaine9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Vicki Ann10 Henzel and Ronald Paul Hasley are as follows:
516 i. Tiffany Nichole11 Hasley146 *.
517 ii. Zachary James Hasley *.
518 iii. Samuel David Hasley *.
371. Verne Michael10 Henzel (Elaine9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Verne Michael10 Henzel and Sharon Spillar are as follows:
519 i. Parker Spillar11 Henzel146 *.
520 ii. Anais Spillar Henzel *.
372. Vince Edward10 Henzel (Elaine9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Vince Edward10 Henzel and Bonnie Louise Mick are as follows:
521 i. Alaina Michelle11 Henzel146 *.
522 ii. Kayla Christine Henzel146 *.
523 iii. Alex Michael Henzel146 *.
375. Tina Louise10 Henzel (Elaine9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Tina Louise10 Henzel and Jeff Cooley were:
524 i. Jessica Christine11 Henzel146 was born on 18 October 1991.146 She died on 9 October 2005 at age 13.235,236
376. Jeffrey Lee10 Henzel (Elaine9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Jeffrey Lee10 Henzel and Brenda Gall are as follows:
525 i. Jordan Andrew11 Henzel *.
526 ii. Brooklyn Grace Henzel237 *.
378. Mark10 Vitosh (Charles9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
There were no children of Mark10 Vitosh and Debra Ann Stevens.
Children of Mark10 Vitosh and Judy Jameson are:
527 i. Tyler Mark11 Vitosh146 *.
There were no children of Mark10 Vitosh and Janet Rodgers.
379. Beth Ann10 Vitosh (Charles9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Beth Ann10 Vitosh and Mark A. Billesbach are as follows:
380. Sherri Lynn10 Ruyle (Bernice9 Vitosh, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Sherri Lynn10 Ruyle and Charles Gartner all born in Midland, MI, USA, are as follows:
530 i. Nancy Rae11 Gartner *.
531 ii. Elizabeth Lynn Gartner *.
532 iii. Thomas Charles Gartner *.
381. Nanci Ann10 Ruyle (Bernice9 Vitosh, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Nanci Ann10 Ruyle and Richard Stauffer are as follows:
533 i. Haley Lynn11 Stauffer *.
534 ii. Jennifer Ann Stauffer *.
382. Patricia Catherine10 Ruyle (Bernice9 Vitosh, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Patricia Catherine10 Ruyle and Scott Michael Schoettger both born in Kansas City, MO, USA, were as follows:
535 i. Michael Ryan11 Schoettger was born on 30 August 1991. He died on 18 August 1993 in Kansas City, MO, USA, at age 1.
536 ii. Max Alexander Schoettger *.
383. Joan Clare10 Ruyle (Bernice9 Vitosh, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Joan Clare10 Ruyle and Timothy J. Texel are as follows:
537 i. Matthew Allen11 Texel *.
538 ii. Mitchell Thomas Texel238 *.
539 iii. Ashley Clare Texel239 *.
384. Robert Lloyd10 Ruyle II (Bernice9 Vitosh, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Robert Lloyd10 Ruyle II and Hazel Reyes Sanchez are as follows:
540 i. Sofia Isabelle11 Ruyle *.
541 ii. Xavier Xystus Ruyle *.
385. Steven Anthony10 Ruyle (Bernice9 Vitosh, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Steven Anthony10 Ruyle and Chandra Cranmer are as follows:
542 i. John Ignatius11 Ruyle240 *.
543 ii. Luke Augustine Ruyle241 *.
386. Darren Lee10 Vitosh (Maurice9, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)242 *.
Children of Darren Lee10 Vitosh and Carey Ann Schober are as follows:
544 i. Nicholas Lee11 Vitosh *.
545 ii. Carson Christopher Vitosh *.
387. Eric Alan10 Vitosh (Lawerence9, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Eric Alan10 Vitosh and Catherine Elizabeth Scruggs are as follows:
546 i. Juliana Victoria11 Vitosh *.
547 ii. Robert Lawson Vitosh *.
548 iii. Preston Eric Vitosh243 *.
549 iv. Annaliese Vitosh *.
388. Nathan Clark10 Vitosh (Lawerence9, Harry8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Nathan Clark10 Vitosh and Kelly Sedlacek are as follows:
550 i. Hayley Ann11 Vitosh *.
551 ii. Brice Nathan Vitosh *.
390. Jeanne Jo10 Vitosh (Walter9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Jeanne Jo10 Vitosh and Gary Jurgens are as follows:
Children of Jeanne Jo10 Vitosh and Patrick Lytle are as follows:
391. Kathryn Ann10 Vitosh (Walter9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Kathryn Ann10 Vitosh and Doug G. Schnuelle are as follows:
392. Terence Lynn10 Vitosh (Walter9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Terence Lynn10 Vitosh and Jeanette Kay Lenners are as follows:
558 i. Chandra Ann11 Vitosh146 *.
559 ii. Kalynn Brooke Vitosh146 *.
560 iii. Abbie Marie Vitosh146 *.
394. Robert Charles10 Bates (Lorraine9 Vitosh, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Robert Charles10 Bates and Carrie Korenoski are:
561 i. Aletha Rose Elizabeth11 Bates244 *.
395. Rex Alan10 Marshall (Maxine9 Vitosh, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Rex Alan10 Marshall and Jodi lynne Rhyan are as follows:
562 i. Aaron Paul11 Marshall146 *.
563 ii. Laura Ann Marshall146 *.
564 iii. Brent Alan Marshall146 *.
396. John Joseph10 Marshall (Maxine9 Vitosh, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of John Joseph10 Marshall and Jennifer Charlton are as follows:
565 i. Jacob Vaughn11 Marshall146 *.
566 ii. Lucas John Marshall146 *.
397. Michele Lynn10 Marshall (Maxine9 Vitosh, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)245 *.
Children of Michele Lynn10 Marshall and Emile Anthony Lambert are as follows:
567 i. Marissa Catherine11 Lambert146 *.
568 ii. Madison Frances Lambert *.
569 iii. Jack Anthony Lambert246 *.
398. Brian James10 Vitosh (Melvin9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Brian James10 Vitosh and Julie Richter are as follows:
570 i. Delanie Jean11 Vitosh146,247 *.
571 ii. Austin James Vitosh *.
399. Bradley Dean10 Vitosh (Melvin9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Bradley Dean10 Vitosh and Amy Lynn Henrichs are as follows:
400. Bruce Alan10 Vitosh (Melvin9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Bruce Alan10 Vitosh and Gwendolyn Heble are as follows:
575 i. Brock Alan11 Vitosh146 *.
576 ii. Blake Joseph Vitosh146 *.
401. Rhonda Joy10 Vitosh (Melvin9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Rhonda Joy10 Vitosh and Larry Zarybnicky are as follows:
577 i. Hunter Dean11 Zarybnicky146 *.
578 ii. Landon John Zarybnicky146 *.
579 iii. Bailey Marie Zarybnicky146 *.
402. Jennifer Jill10 Vitosh (Arnold9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Jennifer Jill10 Vitosh and Chad David Warren are as follows:
580 i. Bryston Gene11 Warren *.
581 ii. Zachary Cole Warren249 *.
403. Alyson Ann10 Vitosh (Arnold9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Alyson Ann10 Vitosh and Scott Lott Petersen are as follows:
582 i. Dalton Scott11 Petersen *.
583 ii. Alyse RetaAnn Petersen250 *.
404. Stuart Joseph10 Vitosh (LeRoy9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Stuart Joseph10 Vitosh and Laurie Ann Zumbahlen are as follows:
584 i. Josephine Anne11 Vitosh146 *.
585 ii. Paige Lee Vitosh146 *.
586 iii. Mackenzie Rose Vitosh *.
587 iv. Timothy Joseph Vitosh251 *.
405. Sidney Lee10 Vitosh (LeRoy9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Sidney Lee10 Vitosh and Tracy Renae Johnson both born in Beatrice, NE, USA, are as follows:
588 i. Noah Lee11 Vitosh252 *.
589 ii. Alaina Justine Vitosh253 *.
406. Christie Marie10 Vitosh (LeRoy9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Christie Marie10 Vitosh and Terry Alan Collins are as follows:
590 i. Alexis Christine11 Collins146 *.
591 ii. Cara LeeAnn Collins *.
Children of Christie Marie10 Vitosh and Shawn Lewis Morgan are:
592 i. Coopper Lewis11 Morgan254 *.
407. Barbara Ann10 Vitosh (LeRoy9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Barbara Ann10 Vitosh and Brent Beekman are:
593 i. Berkelee Ann11 Beekman255 *.
408. Shelley Ann10 Vitosh (Larry9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Shelley Ann10 Vitosh and Dietrich Eisele are:
594 i. Sophia Rose11 Eisele248 *.
410. Rebecca Jo10 Vitosh (Larry9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Rebecca Jo10 Vitosh and Joseph Andrew Holstedt are as follows:
595 i. Alayna Grace11 Holstedt248 *.
596 ii. Zackary Harrison Holstedt256 *.
413. Janet Louise10 Lisec (Edward9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Janet Louise10 Lisec and Alex Zivkovich are as follows:
Children of Janet Louise10 Lisec and Gary Walker are:
599 i. Sarah Junelle11 Walker146 *.
414. Mary Lynn10 Lisec (Edward9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Mary Lynn10 Lisec and Edward Rousseau Jr, are as follows:
415. Allen Wayne10 Colgrove (Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
Children of Allen Wayne10 Colgrove and Kathy Taylor are:
There were no children of Allen Wayne10 Colgrove and Sandra (Arntt) Klaus.
416. Joyce Evelyn10 Colgrove (Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
Children of Joyce Evelyn10 Colgrove and Joseph Allen Tackett all born in Tabor, IA, USA, are as follows:
417. Karen Kay10 Colgrove (Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
Children of Karen Kay10 Colgrove and Robert William Eggert all born in Beatrice, NE, USA, are as follows:
418. Eileen Ann10 Colgrove (Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
Children of Eileen Ann10 Colgrove and Dennis Robert Kostal all born in Beatrice, NE, USA, were as follows:
419. Robert Gene (Whitehead)10 Lisec (Irvin9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Robert Gene (Whitehead)10 Lisec and Donna Lee Hartman are as follows:
614 i. Joshua Cody11 Lisec146 *.
615 ii. Jessie Lisec146 *.
420. Kelli Diane10 Lisec (Irvin9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Kelli Diane10 Lisec and Jeff Rodzielski are:
616 i. Deidra Jane11 Rodzielski146 *.
There were no children of Kelli Diane10 Lisec and Leslie L Post.
421. Tracy Ronald10 Lisec (Irvin9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
There were no children of Tracy Ronald10 Lisec and Becky.
Children of Tracy Ronald10 Lisec and Pam Rickle are as follows:
There were no children of Tracy Ronald10 Lisec and Patricia Sue Amundson.
422. Dawn10 Lisec (Donald9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Dawn10 Lisec and Brian Propes are:
619 i. Natalie Renee11 Propes *.
423. Cheryl Kay10 Lisec (Donald9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,261 *.
Children of Cheryl Kay10 Lisec and D. J. Eimer are as follows:
620 i. Holli Christine11 Eimer *.
621 ii. Cady Elizabeth Eimer *.
426. Bradley Dennis10 Lisec (Robert9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Bradley Dennis10 Lisec and Laurie Schuk are as follows:
622 i. Tyler Jacob11 Lisec146 *.
623 ii. Eleanor Rose Lisec *.
There were no children of Bradley Dennis10 Lisec and Lisa Suarez.
427. Rodney James10 Lisec (Robert9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Rodney James10 Lisec and Theresa Reddy are as follows:
624 i. Timothy James11 Lisec146 *.
625 ii. Erin Irene Lisec *.
428. Allen Lee10 Bures (Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Allen Lee10 Bures and Carol Kruger are as follows:
There were no children of Allen Lee10 Bures and Simone Deely.
429. Gary Lynn10 Bures (Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Gary Lynn10 Bures and Mary Jo Ryan are as follows:
430. Lynette10 Bures (Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 was born on 24 May 1953.146 She married Gerald Wayne Johnson on 3 May 1975 in Odell, NE, USA.146,262 She married Steven Kuhlmann on 9 March 1985 in Las Vegas, NV, USA.146,262 She died on 14 December 2000 in Topeka, KS, USA, at age 47.263
There were no children of Lynette10 Bures and Gerald Wayne Johnson.
Children of Lynette10 Bures and Steven Kuhlmann were as follows:
431. Kenneth Dean10 Vitosh (Vernon9, Richard8, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Kenneth Dean10 Vitosh and Dean Lyda all born in Mesquite, TX, USA, are as follows:
433. Libuse10 Mecirova (Marie9 Slaba, Marie8 Zeithamlová, Václav7 Zeithammel, Josefa6 Vitoušová, František5 Vitouš, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)186 *.
Children of Libuse10 Mecirova and Jaromir Nykodym both born in Czechoslovakia are as follows:
637 i. Tomas11 Nykodym186 *.
638 ii. Michal Nykodym186 *.
Children of Libuse10 Mecirova and Zdenek Svoboda are:
639 i. Lukas11 Svoboda186 *.
434. Sarka10 Mecirova (Marie9 Slaba, Marie8 Zeithamlová, Václav7 Zeithammel, Josefa6 Vitoušová, František5 Vitouš, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)186 *.
Children of Sarka10 Mecirova and Milos Kodad are:
640 i. Romana11 Kodadova186 *.
435. John Elmer10 Witous (Elmer9 Vitous, Jan8, Josef7 Vitouš, Václav6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)188 *.
Children of John Elmer10 Witous and Joanne Marilyn McConkey are:
641 i. Jeffery David11 Witous188 *.
436. Lumir10 Vitouš (Antonin9, František8, Josef7, Josef6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)264 *.
Children of Lumir10 Vitouš and Marie are:
437. James Clifford10 Dlouhy (James9, Aloisie8 Soustek, Anna7 Slama, Katerina6 Schusteriz, Anna5 Vitoušová, Andreas4 Vitouš, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1) was born on 26 January 1931 in Cicero, IL, USA. He married Delores Elaine Jalasky. He died on 4 July 2010 in Addison, IL, USA, at age 79.
Children of James Clifford10 Dlouhy and Delores Elaine Jalasky are:
643 i. Wendy Lynn11 Dlouhy *.
438. František10 Vitouš (František9, František8, Josef7, Josef6, Martin5, Andreas4, Jan3, Václav2, Jan1)265 *.
Children of František10 Vitouš and Milena Hereinova are:
644 i. Veronika11 Vitoušová *.
Generation Eleven
443. Harold Paul11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Harold Paul11 Neuzil and Rebecca Morgan are as follows:
645 i. Harold12 Neuzil Jr266 *.
646 ii. Sarah Neuzil266 *.
444. Carl Donald11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Carl Donald11 Neuzil and Carol Josh Reily are:
647 i. Nicole12 Neuzil *.
Children of Carl Donald11 Neuzil and Darci Larson are as follows:
648 i. Carley12 Neuzil *.
649 ii. Kelsey Neuzil *.
445. James Henry11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of James Henry11 Neuzil and Dee Ann Norstrom are:
650 i. Melanie12 Neuzil266 *.
Children of James Henry11 Neuzil and Chris Stockman are:
651 i. Sherry Renae12 Neuzil266,267 *.
Children of James Henry11 Neuzil and Wendy Mitchell are as follows:
652 i. Jeremy12 Neuzil266 *.
653 ii. Dillon Neuzil266 *.
654 iii. Josie Neuzil266 *.
446. Catherine Josephine11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Catherine Josephine11 Neuzil and Dennis Hurley are as follows:
655 i. Shea12 Hurley266 *.
656 ii. Neil Hurley266 *.
447. Christopher John11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Christopher John11 Neuzil and Shelly K. Sheets are as follows:
657 i. Jacob12 Neuzil266 *.
658 ii. Justin Neuzil266 *.
659 iii. Elley Neuzil266 *.
448. Paula Ann11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Paula Ann11 Neuzil and Gary Piper are as follows:
660 i. Erin12 Piper266 *.
661 ii. Jennifer Piper266 *.
449. Amie Jo11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,268,269 *.
Children of Amie Jo11 Neuzil and William Rockafellow are as follows:
451. Edward Thomas11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Edward Thomas11 Neuzil and Susanne M. Siver are:
665 i. Syndney Christine12 Neuzil270,269 *.
452. Leo Anthony (Tony)11 Neuzil (Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Leo Anthony (Tony)11 Neuzil include:
666 i. Paige Marie12 Neuzil270,269 *.
453. Ronald Eugene11 Holmes II (Ronald10, Evelyn9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Ronald Eugene11 Holmes II include:
667 i. Ryan Eugene12 Holmes146 *.
483. Jodi Marie11 Zoubek (Janice10 Duensing, Genevieve9 Vitosh, Rudolph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Jodi Marie11 Zoubek and Steven Marshall Hoyt are:
668 i. Zachary Steven12 Hoyt271 *.
487. Shaena Patricia11 Hackler (Joyce10 Duensing, Genevieve9 Vitosh, Rudolph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Shaena Patricia11 Hackler and Kevin Eggerling are as follows:
669 i. Kannen Michael Lee12 Eggerling272 *.
670 ii. Dannie Heye Eggerling273 *.
671 iii. Creedence Eggerling234 *.
488. Colton Arthur11 Hackler (Joyce10 Duensing, Genevieve9 Vitosh, Rudolph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Colton Arthur11 Hackler include:
672 i. Tristan Ann12 Hackler273 *.
489. Craig William11 Vitosh (Dennis10, Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Craig William11 Vitosh and Jacquelyn Ford are as follows:
673 i. Xavier (Ford)12 Vitosh146 *.
674 ii. Cameron William Vitosh *.
490. Brenda Kay11 Vitosh (Dennis10, Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Brenda Kay11 Vitosh and Corey Alan Stengel are as follows:
675 i. Blake Alan12 Stengel146 *.
676 ii. Holden William Stengel *.
677 iii. Justin Dean Stengel274 *.
678 iv. Seth Kayleb Stengel275 *.
491. Donetta Kay11 Ideus (Karen10 Vitosh, Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Donetta Kay11 Ideus and Jonnie Baehr are:
Children of Donetta Kay11 Ideus and Mark Allen Ahrens are as follows:
680 i. Travis Allen12 Ahrens *.
681 ii. Casandra Kay Ahrens *.
492. Carla Jo11 Ideus (Karen10 Vitosh, Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
There were no children of Carla Jo11 Ideus and Scott Alan Ragland.
Children of Carla Jo11 Ideus and Timothy Jay Schuster were as follows:
682 i. Kacia Kay12 Schuster276 was born on 7 October 2003.276 She died on 7 October 2003.276
683 ii. Kaden James Schuster275 *.
684 iii. Kara Jo Schuster277 *.
493. Mathew Allen11 Ideus (Karen10 Vitosh, Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Mathew Allen11 Ideus and Misty Zimmerman are:
685 i. Oliver Edward12 Ideus278 *.
496. Cynthia Mae11 Vitosh (Michael10, Harold9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Cynthia Mae11 Vitosh and Ronald Lloyd Ruyle are as follows:
686 i. Jacob Lloyd12 Ruyle279 *.
687 ii. Lydia Mae Ruyle280 *.
688 iii. Hannah Marie Ruyle281 *.
497. Steven D11 Vitosh (Michael10, Harold9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,213 *.
Children of Steven D11 Vitosh and Brittan Denton are:
689 i. Vega Lorraine12 Vitosh282 *.
498. Nathan James11 Essman (James10, Alma9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Nathan James11 Essman and Liane kaye Strough are as follows:
690 i. Drew William12 Essman283 *.
691 ii. Noah James Essman284 *.
501. Austin Jon11 Nicholson (Jana10 Essman, Alma9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Austin Jon11 Nicholson and Wendy Robins are:
692 i. Ryan Gregory12 Nicholson285 *.
502. Heather Jo11 Nicholson (Jana10 Essman, Alma9 Vitosh, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Heather Jo11 Nicholson and David Leader are:
693 i. Samuel Allen12 Leader286 *.
508. Jason Charles11 Vitosh (Darrell10, Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Jason Charles11 Vitosh and Stacey Renee Roever all born in Lincoln, NE, USA, are as follows:
694 i. Leslie Nicole12 Vitosh146 *.
695 ii. William Reid Vitosh248 *.
696 iii. Emily Aryn Vitosh287,288 *.
509. Kathryn Teresa11 Vitosh (Darrell10, Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Kathryn Teresa11 Vitosh and Brandon James Vossler both born in Lincoln, NE, USA, are as follows:
697 i. Mason James12 Vossler289 *.
698 ii. Kellen Lee Vossler290 *.
511. Toni Michelle11 Adam (Sheryl10 Vitosh, Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Toni Michelle11 Adam and Brett James Landenberger are as follows:
699 i. Taylor Leigh12 Landenberger146 *.
700 ii. Tyson Alan Landenberger146 *.
512. Todd Alan11 Adam (Sheryl10 Vitosh, Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1) *.
Children of Todd Alan11 Adam and Holly Jean Bachle all born in Lincoln, NE, USA, are as follows:
701 i. Logan Todd12 Adam *.
702 ii. Ashlyn Jean Adam *.
703 iii. Jordyn Rene Adam291 *.
704 iv. Camryn Jo Adam292 *.
513. Nicholas Ryan11 Koch (Linda10 Vitosh, Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Nicholas Ryan11 Koch and Rachelle Dawn Schwartz are as follows:
705 i. Jarrett Ryan12 Koch *.
706 ii. Kale Nicholas Koch293 *.
514. Nathan David11 Koch (Linda10 Vitosh, Milton9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
There were no children of Nathan David11 Koch and Stephanie Marie Kurtz.
Children of Nathan David11 Koch and Sabrina Freudenburg are:
707 i. Jaxson Nathan12 Koch294 *.
528. Lucas Charles11 Billesbach (Beth10 Vitosh, Charles9, Charles8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Lucas Charles11 Billesbach and Sarah Terese Mancuso are as follows:
708 i. Quentin Gage12 Billesbach284 *.
709 ii. Lucille Louise Billesbach295 *.
552. Chad Elliot11 Jurgens (Jeanne10 Vitosh, Walter9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Chad Elliot11 Jurgens and Jill Katherine Penner are as follows:
710 i. Trenton Chad12 Jurgens *.
711 ii. Bryant William Jurgens296 *.
712 iii. Ellie Katherine Jurgens297 *.
553. Shawn Michael11 Jurgens (Jeanne10 Vitosh, Walter9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Shawn Michael11 Jurgens and Angie Buttell are as follows:
713 i. Gaven Michael John12 Jurgens *.
714 ii. Ethan Joseph Tolles Jurgens298 *.
554. Amanda Jo11 Lytle (Jeanne10 Vitosh, Walter9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Amanda Jo11 Lytle and Chance James McLean are:
715 i. Bentley Jo12 McLean299 *.
556. Anthony Grant11 Schnuelle (Kathryn10 Vitosh, Walter9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Anthony Grant11 Schnuelle and Tamara Nicole Young are as follows:
716 i. Paris Nichole12 Schnuelle300 *.
717 ii. Addison Ann Schnuelle287 *.
557. Ashley Ann11 Schnuelle (Kathryn10 Vitosh, Walter9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Ashley Ann11 Schnuelle and Jeff Andrew Hawks are:
718 i. Katelyn12 Hawks301 *.
573. Brittney Lynn11 Vitosh (Bradley10, Melvin9, Joseph8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Brittney Lynn11 Vitosh and Kolin Craig Kotas are:
719 i. Kyler Carey12 Kotos302 *.
598. Shannon Tracy11 Zivkovich (Janet10 Lisec, Edward9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Shannon Tracy11 Zivkovich and Steven William Ward are:
720 i. Steven William12 Ward Jr *.
600. Jennifer Lee11 Rousseau (Mary10 Lisec, Edward9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Jennifer Lee11 Rousseau and Arnold are:
721 i. Sebastian Zane Lee12 Arnold *.
602. Shelly Dawn11 Colgrove (Allen10, Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
Children of Shelly Dawn11 Colgrove and Scott Habluetzel are:
722 i. Jeramy Colton12 Habluetzel303 *.
604. Joshua Dwayne11 Tackett (Joyce10 Colgrove, Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257,304 *.
Children of Joshua Dwayne11 Tackett and Carol Marie Blair are as follows:
723 i. James Allen12 Tackett305 *.
724 ii. Abigail Joelle Tackett304 *.
607. Shannon11 Eggert (Karen10 Colgrove, Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
Children of Shannon11 Eggert and Jody Ann Schemmel are as follows:
725 i. Cody Jordan12 Eggert *.
726 ii. Katlyn Rose Eggert *.
610. Andrea Michele11 Kostal (Eileen10 Colgrove, Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
Children of Andrea Michele11 Kostal and Jeffery Eugene Humphreys are as follows:
727 i. Ashtyn Mae12 Humphreys *.
728 ii. Braeden Jeffery Humphreys306 *.
729 iii. Peyton Owen Humphreys307 *.
612. Alissa Ann11 Kostal (Eileen10 Colgrove, Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
There were no children of Alissa Ann11 Kostal and Keith Nolan Craig.
Children of Alissa Ann11 Kostal and Damian Andersen are as follows:
730 i. Dolton Damian12 Andersen308 *.
731 ii. Devin Damian Andersen308 *.
613. Brent Aaron11 Kostal (Eileen10 Colgrove, Evelyn9 Lisec, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)257 *.
Children of Brent Aaron11 Kostal and Abigail Zarybnicky both born in Beatrice, NE, USA, are as follows:
732 i. Preston Frank12 Kostal308 *.
733 ii. Austin Robert Kostal307 *.
617. Ameilia Lynn11 Lisec (Tracy10, Irvin9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Ameilia Lynn11 Lisec include:
734 i. Riley Christine12 Lisec309 *.
735 ii. Jasmine M Lisec310 *.
618. Christine Ann11 Lisec (Tracy10, Irvin9, Mary8 Vitosh, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Christine Ann11 Lisec include:
736 i. Alexandria M.12 Degear310 *.
626. Rachelle Deanne11 Bures (Allen10, Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Rachelle Deanne11 Bures and Brent Gregory Sharrer all born in Arlington, VA, USA, are as follows:
737 i. Benjamin Alexander12 Sharrer311 *.
738 ii. Nicholas Walker Sharrer263 *.
739 iii. Katherine Carol Sharrer263 *.
627. Aysha Erin11 Bures (Allen10, Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Aysha Erin11 Bures and Robert Lyle Hall Jr. both born in Katy, TX, USA, are as follows:
740 i. Graycen Avery12 Hall263 *.
741 ii. Emma Jean Hall263 *.
628. Diane Lynn11 Bures (Gary10, Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Diane Lynn11 Bures and Shane Dennis Dieckman are as follows:
742 i. Avery Dennis12 Dieckman312 *.
743 ii. Amelia Lynn Dieckman263 *.
744 iii. Audrey Estelle Dieckman313 *.
629. Elizabeth Ann11 Bures (Gary10, Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Elizabeth Ann11 Bures and Ebrahim Barkoudah are as follows:
745 i. Isabelle Salwa12 Barkoudah313 *.
746 ii. Victoria Ruth Barkoudah313 *.
747 iii. Micah Ryan Barkoudah313 *.
631. Stephanie Jo11 Kuhlmann (Lynette10 Bures, Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Stephanie Jo11 Kuhlmann and Philip Galen Williams are:
748 i. Jael Lyn12 Williams313 *.
632. Donald James11 Kuhlmann (Lynette10 Bures, Donald9, Estella8 Vitosh, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)263 *.
Children of Donald James11 Kuhlmann and Ana Karen Romero are:
749 i. Derrick James12 Kuhlmann313 *.
634. Carrie Lee11 Vitosh (Kenneth10, Vernon9, Richard8, Frank7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146,314 *.
Children of Carrie Lee11 Vitosh and Byrnes are:
750 i. Isabelle12 Byrnes315 *.
Children of Carrie Lee11 Vitosh and Bartell are as follows:
751 i. Houston Dean12 Bartell315 *.
752 ii. Grace Marie Bartell315 *.
642. Jiri11 Vitouš (Lumir10, Antonin9, František8, Josef7, Josef6, František5, Josef4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)264 *.
Children of Jiri11 Vitouš and Václava both born in Czechoslovakia are as follows:
753 i. Jiri12 Vitouš264 *.
754 ii. Kristyna Vitoušová316 *.
Generation Twelve
662. Myrisasa Ann12 Rockafellow (Amie11 Neuzil, Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)317 *.
Children of Myrisasa Ann12 Rockafellow and Jeff Gingerich are as follows:
755 i. Saylee Jo13 Gingerich317 *.
756 ii. Caeson Joseph Gingerich318 *.
757 iii. Ayla Ann Gingerich319 *.
663. Weston John12 Rockafellow (Amie11 Neuzil, Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)317 *.
Children of Weston John12 Rockafellow and Jessica Zinkula are as follows:
758 i. William Anthony13 Rockafellow317 *.
759 ii. Shyan Rose Rockafellow317 *.
664. Myleena Rose12 Rockafellow (Amie11 Neuzil, Paul10, Irene9 Vitosh, Joseph8, James7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)317 *.
Children of Myleena Rose12 Rockafellow and Brock Grenis are as follows:
760 i. Brinson Paul13 Grenis319 *.
761 ii. Kenlyn Rose Grenis319 *.
679. Greggory Allen12 Baehr (Donetta11 Ideus, Karen10 Vitosh, Arthur9, William8, Joseph7, Jan6 Vitouš, František5, Václav4, Jakub3, Václav2, Jan1)146 *.
Children of Greggory Allen12 Baehr and Jessica Carter Vickers are:
762 i. Ava Kathryn13 Baehr255 *.
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