Vitous Anthem
Email To : Maurice Vitosh
From : Jiri Vitous, Dobric, Czech republic   5/05/2007

The author of this song was Frantisek Jaroslav Vacek Kamenicky, who was born on January 24, 1806 in Kamenice nad Lipou in South Bohemia.
He worked as a patriot priest at various places. Lastly he lived in Blovice near Pilsen. He died on March 23,1869.

The song is very sad and lonely, because it tells about lost unfulfilled love.

It was very popular in the past and eventually it became a folk tune.

My father loved it very much and so do I.

My family uses this melody only at ceremonial acts – significant anniversaries or funerals.

Please, excuse my inartificial translation.


U panského dvora náš Vitoušek vorá, strakaté volečky :
Beside the landowner‘s farm house our braw Vitous follows the plough, he has spotted bulls (draught cattle) :

pole dovorá, na si zavolá, on zdaleka zná.
after he ploughs the ground, he will call at me, he knows me already from far.

Darmo ty můj milej, Vitoušku rozmilej, darmo ty na mě voláš :

In vain my Dear, my lovely Vitous, vainly are you calling on me :

volej ve dne v noci, není ti pomoci, mne se víc nedovoláš
call day and night, there is no help for you,  you won’t get no answer from me any more.

mám jiného hocha upřímného, ten je mi nad dražší :
I already have another fair-minded boy, he is closer to my heart than you

na nevolej, hluboko zavorej na věky lásku naši.
call on me any more, plough deep for ages our love.